Chapter 4

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"Cy can you not stand so close. You're making it hard for me to focus on my book."

I glared at the robot as I took a massive scoop of my cereal. I watched as she took a step back but still watched me.
Last week was my birthday...and with that day came presents.

2D gave me a free pass to his dad's amusement park. Russ gave me a new bike. Electric Blue and black. And Noodz...gave me a new dress. Even though i don't wear dresses. Not anymore.

All three treated me to a trip to TenPin Action...which didn't quite go as planned.

Murdoc however gave me my in quote "Becoming a woman" initiation...which involved my first few drinks of alcohol and and heirloom. And due to Mudz not having an heirloom he gave me one of his "prized" possessions...Cyborg Noodle.

If she could even be called a prize.
Turns out while I was at TPA, Mudz rebooted and reconstructed her to be...all mine. And due to him being completely on the piss the daft bloke forgot all the passwords to bringing her back. So for the time being...she was at my command. Great....MOST DEFINITELY NOT!

Her monotone voice rang in my ears as she interrupted my reading.
"Would you like my assistance in cleaning up?"

Why can't I just read in peace!?

I sighed. But i supposed it can't be help. She's...broken.

"Fine...but after that. Leave me alone."
I scooted myself from my chair and walked out of the kitchen as she grabbed my bowl.
Sitting on the sofa I flicked on the TV. Which was ruined moments later by a knocking at the door.
"Well if Bob's not my freaking uncle..."

I murmured getting out of my seat and too the door. Creaking it open I looked at the figure that stood before me.

The boots. The red trousers and black blazer. That familiar face and Simi short jet black hair. The cherry red lipstick...anyone would guess immediately who it was.

And then i slammed the door on her face.

Ok I didn't. All i could do was stare at her. Watching as tears started ruining her mascara.


Before I could even react, she began wrapping her arms around me and SOBBING.
I couldn't make out what she was saying something between the lines of:

"I MISSED *sniffle* YEW SO MUCH!"
She clinged to me, arms squeezing around me so much. I could hardly breathe.

"Uhhhhh...I...Missed you too...Mum."
I managed to grunt out as I struggled to breathe.
"Ack!'re squeezing me...too-"

She lets go of me and sniffles again.

"Sorry Lov'. Its just been so long."
She brought her cold hand to my warm face. I flinched feeling her hand there which caused her to chuckle between tears
"You've gotten so big."

"I've not grown that much."
I shivered a bit as the February wind hit my face and my body. Being in an oversized T-Shirt and shorts wasn't really ideal for outside time. I sniffled a bit as the wind got to my face.
I watched as my mum's eyes shifted a little as if to see if anybody was inside.
"Y-You can come in if you want...just make it quick. Nobody usually gets up until Noon. I can make us both a brew if you like."

I stepped aside and let her inside. Thinking it was no issue as long as everybody else was awake.

"Oh? A brew?"
She chuckled a bit at that.
"I guess you really are growing up if you're making you're own cuppa's now."

My face reddens as I shut the door behind her. I gave her a nervous laugh as she stepped inside and looked around. She seemed content. Yet on edge. Though it was probably because the entirety of the band put in a restraining order on her or something.
Going to the kitchen she stopped in the doorway as she saw Cy. They both looked at each other. Cy just washing dishes while they both look at each other like deer in headlights.

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Where stories live. Discover now