Chapter 9

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I couldn't believe what was about to happen, maybe it went too quickly. Maybe I pushed her too hard. I shouldn't be doing this...

"It will be alright. I promise."

It was nearly dark, the only light was from the full moon which filled my bedroom making only a small reflection off Cy's pale face.
She was close, really close. I felt hot way hot. I then tensed as I felt her cold hand on my arm.

"It's alright. I'm here. Just relax."
She began leaning in closer and closer our lips nearly touching.


I lifted up with a snort as Noodle banged on the door. What the hell just happened? Just a moment ago I felt...N-No it was only a dream.

Thank the gods. My face was flushed red and I had been sweating. It was quite warm in my room after all. It was always hot in here for some reason. Probably why I keep having weird dreams.

"I'M UP! I'M UP!"
I opened the door to see Noodle brushing her teeth as she stared down at me. Her hair and body was wrapped in a towel, which was highly unusual because she was usually up way earlier than this. I just slowly blinked at her and yawned, my mind still fuzzy from last night's dream.
They've been happening more frequently lately. Since not gonna say anymore. Best not to think about it.
"What time is it?"

Noodle mumbled out, as she kept the toothbrush in her mouth. I blinked, catching none of what she said. I watched her pulled out her brush, to where bits of dribble and paste came out, dripping down her chin. Gross.

I then watched as she put the toothbrush in her mouth as she walked away.

I was puzzled and tired. I really just wanted to go back to bed, but knowing Noodz she'd kick my arse if I went back to sleep. Whatever it was it was probably important.

I slipped on an old shirt 2D gave me on a shopping spree we had because nothing says girly-girl like a pink shirt that says "Razzle Dazzle" in glitter. I hated this shirt. More than anything, but all the others were in the wash so it was this or something Ace gave old smelly ripped up pokemon shirt, he said it was his when he was a kid. Swears it wasn't that long ago, he also swore that it was clean. That bloke wouldn't know clean if it came up and placed him on a choke hold. I keep it on the floor in the back of my wardrobe.
After getting dressed I head down stairs meeting up with Cy...who's style drastically changed after we got together.

It's already been almost two months and she already looks so...alive. She even started wearing makeup, which could use a little work but I wasn't going to complain.

"Good Morning Mistress. Should I prepare you breakfast?"

I gave her a soft, tired smile as I placed a hand on her head, giving it a pat.

"Thanks for the gesture but I can manage. Did you charge well?"
I spoke to her while I made my way to the kitchen, starting the kettle and beginning to make my own breakfast. Putting two slices of bread in the toaster as I got out exactly what I needed. I think getting with Cy really brought us closer...emotionally of course.
We were still iffy about holding hands and stuff... Especially when the band was awake. It was new...and a bit awkward.
Sometimes we stay up a bit later than usual, just to catch a film or a chat or a good cuddle. An hour for just the two of us.
However most of the time it leaves me falling asleep on her. She seemed alright about it though.

"95% charging complete. And you? How did you sleep?"

"Since when did you two get all buddy-buddy and friendly like towards each otheh."
I hear 2D chime in as he stepped through the door.
"Askin' each otheh 'bou how yew slept an' such. When all I usualleh ge' from yew is a dirteh look."

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora