Chapter 22

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" 'ey...yew alright love?"
He pats my head softly.
"I saw yew run ou' 'f Noodz room an' I fhought she migh' 'f said somethin' tha' upset yew. Wot happened?"

I wanted to tell him about the wolf girl and how Noodle began upsetting me but. I only told him the last bit. After all, who would believe me if i told them a demon from my past as come for my blood?
I mean sure we dealt with ghosts all the time but. Nothing like this...right?

"Noodz upset me. She kept begging me to talk about what happened and...i didn't want to talk about it."

"Yew don' 'ave to 'f yew don' wan' to."
He said as I let go of him. He was always so nice about things.
"Yew don' 'ave to say anehfhin' 'f yew don' wan to. We can chat about...woteveh comes to yewr cu'e li'le mind."

I snorted in a half chuckle. Yeah right. Me. Cute. Just because i was the baby of the group that didn't mean I was cute.
"Noodz said it was good to talk about it though. I know i have to at some point but i don't even want to think about it. About what happened at Mum's."

"Oh! Yew're talkin' abou' dat...ehh..."
2D then kneels down to my level. Placing his long, boney hand on my shoulder.
"Right. Love, yew have rights an' 'f yew don't wan' to talk abou' wot dat rubbish bloke did to yew to us dats fine. Bu'...I think it would help 'f yew talked to somebodeh dat can"

"Like a therapist?"
I gave him a look, wrinkling my nose at the fact that he wanted me to talk to one. I mean sure I probably needed it but...i didn't want it. Talking to a random stranger. How would that help?
2D perked up at me finishing his sentence.


"N-Not trying to be a disappointment here DD but...i don't need a therapist."

2D blinked. His white eyed gaze going dark. Only to go back up again.

"Dats alrigh' you'll talk when yewr reddeh. An' even 'f yew don' wan to say it to us...dares still otheh ways to get i' out."

"Like what? How do I say things without talking."

"Oh! Dats easy! Fallow me!"
I was then being dragged down another dark hallway thankfully this time by 2D.
We walked until we reached his room. Opening his door his room was... Kinda small but still roomy.

" am I-"

He stated excitedly, sitting down on his desk chair, pulling his typewriter. Why exactly did he have one? There were...other ways you know. However pushing it aside for the time being in waited for him to explain.
"Yew can put wot yew feel into poems and music. Dats wot I do."

"But...doesn't Murdoc write the songs?"

I hear 2D chuckle. As he crossed his legs.

"Donno who told yew dat. Mudz hasn't written a song since Plastic Beach. Who do yew fhinks running dis place now? Not Murdoc dats for sure."
He let out a snort as he pulls out a piece of paper.
"Now love. Watch and learn."

He then begins typing quickly then hands it to me with a smile

"Roses are red, Murdoc stinks. Sia is pretty. What do you think?"
I lowered the paper, trying not to smile at the fact that i was called pretty.

"You think 'm pretty?"

"No...i don't realleh fhink yew're pretteh."
He shook his head and smiled.
"I know yew're pretteh, ge' ovah here."

I was quickly being grabbed by my torso. Being pulled in for a hug and tickled. It stung a lot but I couldn't help but laugh and giggle at being tickled.

"DD, no! Don't do that! Ahahhaha!"
I began to kick and squirm from his grasp as he continued on. Chanting.

"Yew're Pretteh. Yew're Pretteh! Yew're Pretteh!"

"No! D stop it I- I'm gonna wee!"
I still continued to squirm away, crying and laughing now. It stung so bad but being tickled and hugged made it worth it. He was still laughing but he let go.

"Alrigh' love, alrigh'...but Yew're still Pretteh."

My face was still red at being called pretty. Its something i wasn't really use to so of course it made me all red and blushy.

"Nah...You're the pretty one."
I giggled. For an old guy he was quite pretty. Glossy white eyes, natural Azure blue hair. Unique and pretty.

"Ye'h I am Pretteh."
He winks, partly sticking out his tongue in a playful way.
"Maybe we can be pretty together."

He then hugged me highly once more, making my shirt rub against my scratches. Causing me to suck in air through my teeth.


"Wot? Yew alright love? Did I hurt yew or somefhink?"

Pulling away from him I quickly shook my head.

"No no...its just a bruise. I ran into the door earlier and-"

"Let's have a look at it den. It's not bad is it?"
He said softly reaching for my shirt. It was nice that he cared but...he didn't need to know. Nobody needed to

I snapped, moving away from him with a jump.
" hurts a lot. Y-Yeah. The air touches it and it burns."

2D blinked, he seemed really worried.

"Crykey love...le' meh see. I can-"

"I-I think I hear Russ calling for me."
I fibbed. I really didn't want to tell him I was scratched.
"I-Im fine really..."

"But I-I don' hear no-"

"It's fine, we'll chat later bye!"

And off I went out of his room.

2D shouted as I began speed walking down the hallway. I would run but with my torso burning and my asthma it wouldn't do any good. Especially since I stopped taking my inhaler.
I behan feeling her presence again. Looming around me as I caught my breath. She began making whispers of sounds and words i didn't understand. It wasn't Japanese...and it definitely wasn't English. What the hell was goin' on?
I slumped against the wall with a grunt as i began feeling her grab at me again. More than anything i wanted to leave me alone...go away...
Leave me alone...go away and
"Leave me alone!"

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora