Chapter 24

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Hours past...and lots of them. Ace was right. Russ didn't come back for a while. Which left for some boring yet interesting activities with Ace.

At first it was boring. He kept using puns and jokes. Eventually i joined in too but that got boring as well. Then we got into the pranking. Prank phone calls weren't my thing but it was whatever...then...we started to get a bit more creative. Pretty soon we had the entire studio covered in traps that could only be dismantled by setting them off. Most of these included cling swap on the doors and buckets of water hanging from the ceiling. And loads of trip wires.
Everything was in place. Now all we needed were our victims.

With a sly smirk Ace and i waited in the lounge. As soon as he gave the signal I took a deep breath before letting out a loud scream. Enough to hurt my throat.
It wasn't my intention to back into the side table but I think it added to it when one if 2D's vases broke. Shattering on the floor.

seconds later there was the sound of rushing footsteps. 2D came down the stairs and Noodle bursts through her bedroom door.

Noodle's was the first to set off the first round of traps. Getting water splashed on her and silly string sprayed. As for 2D. We trapped the bottom step so he was sent flying, skidding across the wooden floor.

Less messy but still just as hilarious.

Ace and I were both amused. Nearly loosing our breaths as we laughed. However we both stopped as we saw Noodle's expression. Her face was angry...fuming mad as she stepped out with a towel on her head.


2D pushed himself up with a grunt.

"Dats not funny! You could've hurt meh!"

Both of them were now angry with if it was all my fault.

"But Ace and I-"
I began but was soon interrupted by Noodle who had herself busy pulling colourful string off of herself.


I frowned, folding my arms across my chest. Speaking a bit if Japanese myself telling her how she needs to cool her jets.

"I was only having a bit of fun."

She didn't like that too much either. She opened her mouth to say something but was soon stopped by Ace who stood between us.

"Hey. Look, I have no idea what you two was talkin' 'bout but ya can't blame her completely. She's just a kid ya know. I figured out of everyone you'd understand. We was just havin' some fun."
He scratched the back of his greasy black hair as he fidgeted a bit.
"Sia's been through a lot right? Cut her some slack."

Noodle gritted her teeth looking like she was about to fight back, but the mood suddenly stopped when the front door creaked open.

I ran up to him giving him a big hug.

"Hey there Si."
He then looks at the state of everyone, giving a puzzled look.
"What happened here?"

Ace chuckled a bit nervously. Noodle groans, going back to her room still covered in silly string.

"Ehhhh....long story short, we were just trying to kill the time for when you got home."
I began to fidget. Nervous and embarrassed that i might get in trouble again. It was fine if it was D or Noodle that yelled at me. They all had low expectations for me. As for Russ. Making him angry was something I never wanted to do.
"Cy's broken..."

He repeated in question
"Broken how?"

" thinks she's overheating. She feels really warm and I cant get her to move. Can you help? Please? I know you're not good with robots but you're good with mechanics."

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