Chapter 5

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"Sia-Chan! なんてこったい!?"
Noodle stood before me, a blurry haze as I hicked my breath a little.

I managed to whimper out in a slurred voice as tears began trickling down my face.
"Noodle Watashi ni tsukamatte!!!"

I sniffled reaching out my arms with half a bottle of strawberry margarita in my hand.
"Noodle-Chan Watashi ni tsukamatte!"

I felt my hot wet tears stream down my face as i reached for her.

Murdoc...had gone to Jail yesterday. It didn't bother me that much. Good riddance to the bastard. He needed to leave anyways. But. that he was gone that gave me plenty of access to his booze box.

It wasn't him leaving that upset me. It was the fact that he was gone that bothered me...with each swig I missed him more and more until finally...

"Sia-Chan, it's okay. Murdokku-San will be back soon. I promise."
Noodle sat beside me as she brushed my hair back.
"Why don't we put the bottle down and we get yo' some water, yes?"

This made my heart ache even more. I furrowed my eyebrows at Noodle as i let out another sniffle.

"But- But- But- *hic* MuH'dOc."
I whimpered as I continued to cry.

"Shhhh. Sia-Chan."
She shushed me putting an arm around me and lifting me up.
"Come on, lets go sober you up."

I can't exactly remember the walk upstairs from the bar but I do remember 2D being there...and Russ. They just gave me water and rubbed my back as i cried.

"Lov' 's alright. 's not like he's dead or anehfhin'."

More and more i felt my heart sink. Especially after i heard 2D and mistook him not being dead to 'not being dead yet.

"Dare gonna kill Muh'doc!?"
I squeaked as I buried my face in my arms as i set it down on the table.

"No no no. I didn' say dat. I said-"

I heard Noodle Say something in Japanese but was too upset to translate it. I just sat there and cried as my back was being rubbed.
Russel pushed a glass of water towards me. I took a sip but that really didn't help.

"May i be of any assistance?"
I heard that familiar voice ring in my ears. That sweet monotone voice always gave me butterflies, even though I'd NEVER tell her or anybody how she felt.
I lifted up my head and looked at her. Dressed in uniform, short black hair and honey yellow eyes. She was the only thing i had left of Murdoc.
I wasn't sure if it was due to the drink or just pure heartache that made me sob like a baby...but I sobbed like a baby.

I reached my arms out to be held my her.

"Oh my- Sia-Chan it's okay! He's coming back Akachan."
Noodle rubbed my back softly as she comforted me, but I wasn't having any of it. I just wanted Murdoc Back. But that's not the only thing I wanted. I looked at Cyborg standing there infront of me. Her cute uniform and that cute face of hers was the only thing I had left from Murdoc. I never wanted to let that go.

I wailed as I clinged to the glass that was sitting on the table.

I slurred out loudly as I reached for her some more. Not that i meant to say it. It just came out that way.

Noodle smirks as she then began to giggle at me. As for the boys. They both seemed confused.

I hicked my breath again as I nodded slurring out more Japanese although not to only myself but everybody else was understandable.

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