Chapter 13

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Gods, PLEASE make it stop!

Just because mum and I had a little tiff didn't stop the band from bringing me over whenever they went out on tours. It was awful! Especially on nights like this.
When Mum brings a "mate" over for the night. And by that I mean a shag mate. Which never use to bother me until now. Mostly because I was in my big room and my bed wasn't RIGHT AGAINST THE WALL TOWARDS HER ROOM!
So I never heard anything.

"Shut up!"
I hit my hand on the wall to shut them up before rolling over in my bed.
"I'm a child for cryin' out loud."

It was quiet...for a minute. Seconds later they were back to being loud. I couldn't take it anymore.

I slipped out of bed to the living room. Picking up the remote and switching on the TV, turning the volume loud enough where I couldn't hear anything else.
There wasn't anything interesting on due to it being nearly 2 in the morning but who cares.

"Sweetheart, you're still awake?"
I then looked over to see mum standing there in her red and black striped dressing gown. I gave her a tired look.
"What's wrong love?"

Turning the volume down i looked at her then back at the TV.

"I can't sleep. The neighbours are too loud."

"I didn't hear anything."
She sat beside me so naturally. How could she that. Especially after what just happened.
"I think you just need sleep."

"Heh. Yeah i guess."
I flicked the TV off, getting up and going to my room.

"A- Sia."
Mum stopped me before i could even enter.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about anything?"

I looked at her hesitantly. There was something I wanted to tell her but...

"No...'m alright."
She just gave me a head tilt and a concerned look. Part of me felt bad for not saying anything...but she lies to me all the time. So, I just kept my mouth shut.
"G'night Mum."

As soon as I lied down...they were back at it again. God that's gross...nobody wants to hear that!

Eventually it died down and I was able to sleep...barely. I felt sick just from being around all of that noise. It was disgusting!
Morning came early as i heard creeping around.
Getting up from my bed I stepped quietly peeking through the door.


But it wasn't her. A big lanky man with brown hair and green eyes looked at me. Like a deer in headlights.

"Oh...hey little lassy."
He looked at me with gentle yet very off putting eyes. Something felt off about him. A lot
"What are you doing awake so early?"

I don't like the look he was giving me, I shrugged as I looked him up and down with caution. Observing his body language, his tone of voice. He was definitely Scottish that's no doubt. I kept a hard look on him. Something felt WAY off. But ignoring it for now I made my way to the kitchen. Although not for a second did I take my eyes off of him.

After making my breakfast I sat in the living room, my cuppa and some jam on toast. Nothing big. But i still felt off.
Looking at him I saw that he was also looking at me.

I blinked, taking a bite of my toast.

"Nothing, Nothing. I just couldn't help but notice. Ya look a lot like ur mum."
Was that a compliment? Nobody ever really spoke highly of my Mum but I suppose with this bloke being her boyfriend, it was a compliment.
"How old did ur Mum say you were? 12? 13?"

" 'm sixteen."
I mumbled a bit annoyed, i then watched as he sat next to me on the sofa. This was weird. Not once has one of Mum's boyfriends been this nice to me, or close. Hell, they usually run out as soon as they find out I exist

"Oh~ big girl huh?"
He grunts as he moves closer to me.
"Ya probably got all the lads droolin' all over ya don't you?"

My face reddened as he chuckled. What's with him? He was weird and gross. Who talks like that? I mean, I've got nothing against people from Scotland but this bloke...was not like normal blokes. No... Something was off about him.

"Gross, no."
As he spoke I got up from the sofa. Then making my way outside.
"I'm going outside. This is just too weird."

It didn't take long before he opens the door and steps out. Lighting a fag. I just looked at him wrinkling my nose a bit.

"Want one?"

" fhanks."
I turned away from him as I sat on the steps.
"Don't you have to be somewhere? Usually Mum's mates are gone by now."

He shrugged as he blows out smoke.

"Ya don't like me. Is that it?"

I snorted. That wasn't even half of it. He was...extremely weird and creepy. I stood up and headed back inside.

"Whatever mate. It's a free country."

I then felt his heavy hand grab my arm. Almost aggressive like. Like the way Murdoc does when he's about to have a go at me.

" 'ay. You watch yourself lassy. Ya hear?"

There was a long pause before I pulled away. Giving him a look. I knew from that moment he was definitely BAD news. He then let's go of my arm as I pulled away from him, giving an annoyed look. Just who the Hell does he think he is!?

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