Season 8: 5# Simon Meets Brad... Again

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Zach's POV

After a long walk from our hillside dorms to the hospital, we finally made it. We met up with Brad, Mr. Tan and Sir Simon in the office for the meeting Mr. Jacobs want us to do. Connor and Prof. Williams is there too so it won't be just our 3 mentors with us today.

Zach: Hey.

Brad: Hi Zach.

Connor: Hello.

Zach: So what are we all here for?

Simon: We're getting a call from your professors back in Australia.

Jenna: You mean, my mum?

Brad: Yeah, Prof. Anderson. She and Prof. Baxter have some updates before you guys would be chosen to go to-

Mr. Tan: Mr. Jacobs said that we'll reveal the group who'll go to Australia in a few months.

Brad: Oh yeah. So, let's call Prof. Anderson and Prof. Baxter. There is a button on my desk where you can turn on the holographic projector. It's usually used for calls.

I pressed the button on Brad's desk so that we can call our old professors. After a few rings, Prof. Baxter and Prof. Anderson picked up and we greeted them. Before we started talking.

Zach: Hello?

Prof. Baxter: Hi heroes, how are you?

Shawn: We're doing great.

Brad: Hello.

Prof. Baxter: Oh my god, you're a doctor now, Brad?

Brad: Yup. And Connor and I just got married.

Connor: Yeah, isn't it cool?

Prof. Baxter: It is.

Zoe: Wait, isn't it 1 am over there?

Prof. Baxter: Well, yeah. However, the best thing about being a Zodiac hero is that you can be able to stay up all night.

Josh: That's nice.

Jenna: So, how's mum?

Prof. Baxter: She's here. Hey Janice, Jenna wants to see you.

Prof. Anderson: Hi Jenna, how are you?

Jenna: I couldn't handle some of these heroes. Their Muay Thai skills are horrible.

Tommy: Jenna, that's not nice.

Toby: Yeah, you know that we're all trying our best here.

Jenna: What? You guys aren't my dads.

Prof. Anderson: Jenna, can you not say that? Your teammates are only trying their best, you shouldn't be making fun of them. Plus, Brad told me that Tommy and Toby are also leaders so please respect them.

Jenna: Sorry.

Shawn: I remembered you went on maternity leave a few years ago. How's the baby?

Prof. Anderson: He's turning 2 soon. Wanna see him? He doesn't like sleeping.

Shawn: Sure.

Lavender: Wait, you have a baby?

Prof. Anderson: I did.

Lavender: Wow.

Jack: You didn't know, Lav?

Ken: You weren't with us when Prof. Anderson was on maternity leave and my mum had to substitute her.

Jack: Sorry, I just didn't know that Prof. Anderson has a 2-year-old son.

Prof. Anderson: It's fine. I hope my son gets to meet you, Lav.

Prof. Baxter: So, any updates from the team?

Zach: A lot of things have happened. We've got new team members and stuff. We've been fighting off Dream.

Prof. Baxter: Dream? The Dreamon?

Zach: Yeah. How do you know that?

Prof. Anderson: I remembered fighting him while I was in my university years. Same for Michael.

Cara: Michael as in, Michael Clifford?

Prof. Anderson: No, Prof. Baxter, his first name is Michael.

Zach: I'm also genderfluid so I changed my name to Zachariah. And I'm dating my amazing boyfriend, Ryan.

Ryan L: Hello.

Prof. Anderson: That's amazing.

Brad: And, Connor and I just got

Mr. Tan: Oh, it's already dinner time. Me and my students have to go to the cafeteria, or dining hall.

Prof. Baxter: It's fine, it's late for us anyways. I might see you guys in Australia very soon. Bye for now.

Zach: Bye.

Prof. Baxter and Prof. Anderson hung up and Mr. Tan, my team and I left the hospital. Before that, we said our goodbyes to our mentors who helped us and the original heroes. And talked to them of course.

Everyone: Bye.

Zach: Simon, I thought you'll be going to go back to Australia.

Simon: I will be going back to Australia tonight. I'll see you there.

Zach: Oh, okay.

Mr. Tan: Zach, let's go.

We all went into the dining hall or cafeteria to eat our dinner. I ate my food and talked to my teammates as usual. But I'm feeling a bit nervous about who will go to Australia in a few months time. Even though it'll be most-likely us because of the founding members of our team.

Zach: Mr. Tan, do you think we'll be chosen to go on an exchange program.

Mr. Tan: Yeah, out of the other groups here. It's a high chance because the original members currently live there.

Rena: Wait a second, if you're speaking of the original heroes as in Calum, Devan, Collins, Troye, Luke, Shawn, Michael and Wendy, what about the other originals?

Kan: Yeah, like Ashton.

Mr. Tan: Oh yeah, I tried contacting them and they're not available. So we're sticking to the actual originals who founded this team on the 21st of October 2019.

Rena: Fair enough. I just missed my sister, that's why.

Sam: Nia, isn't it?

Rena: Yup.

Mr. Tan: Nia's your sister, am I right?

Rena: Yup. I know we're supposed to leave together but she was a 2nd year while I was a 1st year. So she graduated before me. Don't worry, we're still in contact with each other, she's in LA right now.

Mr. Tan: If Mr. Jacobs tells the entire college that you'll be the ones in the exchange program, I'll tell you to pack up. We kind of pushed back the date to the 19th of October because of the time differences in Australia.

Zoe: Yeah, I get it.

Zach: I'm honestly kind of nervous.

Mr. Tan: I get it, it's deja vu.

Shawn: Yeah, I remembered that me and the founding members were chosen to transfer to New Zealand temporarily. And I remember that a stranger who went with us would soon be part of our time.

Aidan: Ashton?

Shawn: Yeah. He was really intimidating because he was a 3rd year.

Mr. Tan: Alright, make sure to eat up because we'll be going back to your dorms soon. Tomorrow, is courses as usual.

The end...

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