Season 5: 5# Therapy Sessions

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Zach's POV

It is now a new day and I am with Tubbo and Brad to help him get rid of the Lunatite. Prof. Williams is in the other room with Tommy, Niki, Puffy, Ranboo, Wilbur, Hannah and Floris for therapy sessions. So there's me and Brad with Tubbo. But Tubbo has to get rid of the Lunatite himself rather than having us remove it for him.

Brad: Alright Tubbo, Zach and I won't be able to help you get rid of the Lunatite so you'll have to do it yourself.

Zach: Like try to use your metal powers to get rid of it.

Toby: I'll try. But what if I can't?

Brad: Don't you want to recover?

Toby: Yeah.

Zach: Then you can do it, and then the Zodiac heroes are back in business.

Tubbo finally got the Lunatite out of his system and Brad put it in a petri dish. And then his eyes started glowing which means the Lunatite is 100% out of his body. We're glad that he has fully recovered from the poisoning but there's something missing.

Brad: Well, now that the Lunatite is out of your body, I'll get Connor to see why it has been poisoning spirits.

Zach: Apparently it's adenovirus because I got infected with that from the Lunatite.

Brad: No, I think that's something else. That Lunatite with the adenovirus has specks of red in it and it is used to kill Dark Spirits and poison Light Spirits. The Lunatite Technoblade used to poison Tubbo has something that could kill all spirits. I believe it has also been used to power up spirit cannons which shot Noah.

Toby: What does that mean?

Brad: I'll tell you as soon as Connor finishes experimenting on it. For now, you guys can meet up with your teammates in the waiting room.

Tubbo and I went to the waiting room to meet up with the rest of the team. Everyone is happy that Tubbo can walk and is fully recovered already while we're still waiting for some team members who are in therapy at the moment. We're finally getting back to normal.

Noah B: So, how are your legs, Tubbo?

Toby: Well, I can walk again and I finally got the Lunatite out. I feel a lot better. I can do all things Zach or Tommy can do.

Noah B: What else can you not do?

Toby: Breathe, apparently.

Zach: Haha yup, we have cystic fibrosis.

Noah B: You 2 have cystic fibrosis?

Toby: Yup.

Zach: Not only us, Calum, Devan, Raphael, George, Daniel and Ryan also have cystic fibrosis. Well, Devan died and Calum graduated and is now a doctor in Australia.

Noah B: Oh. Did Devan die because of his illness?

Zach: No, he got shot by a Dark Spirit named Lord when I was supposed to get shot. His spirit went into Daniel which is why he got cystic fibrosis.

Daniel: That's right.

Zach: It happened in Norfolk Island last year.

Noah B: So how long will this therapy session last?

Sam: Hannah told me it'll only last an hour. And I feel like they're halfway done because it has already been 30 minutes.

Toby: Didn't know it took me 30 minutes to take out the Lunatite.

Noah L: That process is painful, even when it's in your wound. I know what it's like because I was shot by a spirit cannon powered by Lunatite.

Noah B: That's bad.

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