Chapter 4: Dream Vs. Zodiac Heroes and Yuansu Park Spirits

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Zach's POV

Me and my team went into our spiritual states and started attacking Dream. The same goes to the Yuansu Park spirits who activated their powers and started fighting. I saw Sapnap and George go into their spiritual states and attacked Dream as well. We have outnumbered Dream for good.

Dream: George, Sapnap, what are you doing? You're supposed to me on my side.

Zach: Actually Dream, this has been a trick all along. I sent them on a secret mission and lure you all the way here.

Dream: You naive child, who has chosen you as the leader?

Zach: How do you know I'm a child, I'm turning 18 next month.

Dream: I don't care.

Toby: Actually, Tommy and I are also leaders.

Dream: Since when did Brad chose you as leaders?

Fundy: Who's Brad?

Dream continuously attacked us as I took out my Kris to attack him. I dunno why did Dream mention Brad but maybe because of a connection or something. Then, Dream attacked Tommy and Tubbo causing them to get out of their spiritual states. As well as getting injured.

Zach: Tommy! Tubbo!

Nick: Dream, why did you injure them? You know they're still kids.

Dream: I don't care! Zach is next.

Ryan L: Zach, look out!

Zach: Fundy, Slimecicle, take Tommy and Tubbo to Shui river, Audrey, help heal them.

Audrey: But I wanna fight.

Fundy: Audrey, just listen to the leader.

Audrey: Fine.

Audrey, Fundy and Slimecicle escorted Tommy and Tubbo into Shui river to heal them. The rest of us fought Dream just like how we fought the other dark spirits. But he seems to be a lot stronger than any of the dark spirits we've encountered in the past.

Carm: This isn't working, Dream is invincible.

Ken: Yeah, green spirits are really strong.

Zach: This isn't going to plan. Everyone retreat!

Dream: You kids, come on and fight me like the men and women you are.

Zak: We're not kids anymore, you green boy!

Badboyhalo: C'mon, Skeppy!

We went out of our spiritual states and went back to our base in Yuansu park. Fundy, Slimecicle and Audrey came back with Tubbo and Tommy who had recovered from their injuries. They were severely injured on the battlefield but quickly recovered because of their healing powers. Even Audrey's powers worked on them.

Zach: You guys alright?

Toby: We're good.

Tommy: What happened?

Cooper: We retreated, Dream is too powerful.

Jacob: Why would you 3 let our team retreat? You're leaders, you should make our team defeat Dream. Well, you 3 are leaders. When was the last time you had a real man as a leader?

Zach: Last month, that was the last time Brad became the leader.

Jacob: I don't care of this Brad dude, you 3 should man up. In fact, help us man up to defeat the green boy.

Toby: How can we man up when we have personal problems to deal with?

Jacob: I don't care about 'personal problems,' I care about winning.

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