Season 4: 2# Getting Executed

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Brad's POV

It seems like tonight would be devastating, Tubbo is going to be executed. Meanwhile, Zach tried to rescue Tommy from the Pandora's Vault. He even learned a new skill called Spiritual Extraction. What would happen after all of these events happening in one day?

Zach's POV

After extracting my spiritual self, I walked through a lot of cells. I've seen a lot of Dark spirits from the past and even the ones we've fought before. I felt like I'm walking through a hall of nightmares right now.

Zach: Wow, a lot of Dark Spirits here. Tommy's in Dream's cell so where could they be? This place is honestly creepy.

While I was walking through the halls, I heard a familiar voice, Chase. I freaked out because I thought neither of these spirits could see me. Only my teammates and the Guardians could see me. I turned around and I saw Chase after not seeing him for a long time.

Zach: You.

Chase: You still remember me?

Zach: Yeah, from how traumatic of you killing my own biological parents outside my home in America.

Chase: You seem a lot different since the last time I saw you. You were once a naive teenager and it seems like now you're the leader of your team. And you take your job seriously.

Zach: That's because I have grown, I'm 18 now. So what do you want from me? And how can you see me when I extract my spirit?

Chase: I see you everywhere, Zach. You and your team. I heard you're looking for Dream, am I right?

Zach: Yeah.

Chase: Well, Dream's cell is at the end of this hall.

Zach: How do you know?

Chase: I've known Dream since the beginning of time while we all lived in harmony.

Zach: I guess.

Chase: See you soon, Zachary Dean Herron.

Zach: It's Zachariah Dean Herron, I'm Gender-fluid.

Chase: Whatever.

After my encounter with Chase, I moved on through the halls to find Tommy. And Dream has been torturing him in his cell like an alcoholic father hitting his child. I just hope that Tommy is okay.

Nick's POV

I guarded Zach as he was meditating making sure that no monster is coming for us. But then, out of nowhere, many Dark Spirits are coming for us which freaks me out. So I decided to do the Dark Spirit vs. Dark Spirits thing so that I could quickly get rid of them. I took out my Baston and started fighting.

Nick: What do you want?

Dark Spirit 1: I want you and your friend.

Nick: What is that supposed to mean?

Dark Spirit 2: You are a Dark Spirit, while your little friend here is a Hybrid Spirit. Why don't you join us? You don't have to deal with the silly little rules the Guardians have placed.

Nick: I will not do the bad things my grandmother has done. My parents and I are nothing like her.

Dark Spirit 3: What about your friend? It is a Hybrid Spirit's choice to focus on the Light Spirit and Dark Spirit side.

Nick: No, he's the leader of our team.

Dark Spirit 1: I thought Hybrid Spirits aren't allowed to be leaders, only pure Light Spirits.

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