Season 3: 1# Keeping The Dragon Gem Safe

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Brad's POV

After hearing that the new dictator, Jschlatt wanted the Dragon Gem to himself. Zach and the rest of his team were scared about what is going to happen. But Zach had made a promise to Mr. Tan that he will protect the Dragon Gem at all times. So would he break his promise or keep his promise? Let's find out.

Zach's POV

I was scared out of my mind when I realised that Jschlatt wanted the Dragon Gem to himself. Which means that he wanted it to get all the power in the world. But I'm not going to let him take it or the entire world would be doomed.

Yuto: What does he want?

Toby: He wants power.

Zach: He wants the Dragon Gem all to himself.

Niki: What do you mean?

Zach: Look, guardians who wield the Dragon Gem are one of the most powerful Zodiac heroes in the world. But once it has fallen into the wrong hands, darkness would fall over the world and bad things would happen.

Wilbur: So how can we stop this from happening?

Zach: Expand our team.

Sam: But didn't you guys recruit me yesterday?

Hannah: Oh yeah.

Toby: Didn't Mr. Tan tell us that we can recruit a new member once every night?

Zach: Oh yeah. Well, we gotta recruit someone. But first, I need to tell Jschlatt off.

Ryan L: You sure? It might be dangerous.

Zach: Look, maybe it could give us the chance to stop him.

Tommy: Woah.

Jonah: He really is brave.

While Jschlatt was giving out a speech, I stood up and told him off. Trying to tell him that if he takes the gem, bad things like chaos would happen. I hope he could heed my advice as one of the 3 Zodiac leaders.

Zach: Hey!

Jschlatt: And who must you be?

Zach: Zachariah Dean Herron, the 1st leader of the Zodiac Heroes.

Toby: You changed your name?

Zach: Yeah, why?

Toby: Sorry.

Zach: Anyways, what are you gonna say next?

Jschlatt went off the podium and walked straight to the hill we're sitting on. The entire crowd split away as he walks forward like the Red Sea. I started becoming more and more intimidated as he approached me and my team and circled around me.

Jschlatt: Well, you seem to be a bit too young and less manly to be a leader.

Zach: I'm not a man, I'm Gender-fluid. But I still use he and him pronouns but go by he and they pronouns.

Jschlatt: And you're still a child.

Zach: I'm not a child anymore, I'm 18.

Jschlatt: And you seem to bring an oxygen tank, you have cancer?

Zach: Cystic fibrosis, diabetes, bronchiectasis, rosacea and dyslexia.

Jacob: That's a lot, man.

Jschlatt: Oh, so you're not fit to be a leader.

Zach: Yes I am, illness, gender and age don't matter.

Jschlatt: Whatever, where is the Dragon Gem and the other leaders?

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