Chapter 5: Courses

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Brad's POV

After a battle between Dream and the Zodiac heroes along with their friends in Yuansu park, this marks as the beginning of Zach's era. And his new duty as the 1st leader. Along with his 2nd and 3rd leader, Tubbo and Tommy. But not like my era where everyone is in one course, some of the members of Zach's new team were in different courses. Even Zach himself is part of the computer science course. Now, it's time to see what this new team is up to.

Zach's POV

I was busy walking to my classroom when Tommy caught up with me. I was confused because I didn't expect anyone in my team to be in the same course as me. Also because I'd usually go alone because I've been distancing myself from my team recently.

Tommy: Hey, I was wondering if I could catch up to you cuz we're in the same course.

Zach: Oh, I didn't expect you to follow me.

Tommy: What makes you think that?

Zach: Because I've been distancing myself from my team recently ever since I joined the computer science course.

Tommy: Wow.

Zach: I know.

Tommy: What about your boyfriend?

Zach: Well, he's part of the biology course and our dates have now become rarer. Not only because of being in a different course but also because of my duty as the leader.

We soon arrived at our classroom and started working on some codes. Along with working on a lot of programming languages that could work with the Zodiac operating systems. As well as making apps, programs and websites for the secondary school and college.

Tommy: So, what are we doing?

Zach: We're going to work on more codes, inventing some programming languages and make some apps, websites and programs for the university.

Tommy: That's a lot, how can you handle them?

Zach: Programming is easy for me. Even as someone with dyslexia. Surprising, right?

Tommy: Wow. Then how can you read what you type in order to program?

Zach: The font is dyslexic friendly. Well, I made sure all books and devices have a dyslexic friendly option for individuals like me. That's one of the changes I made as the new leader.

Tommy: That's pretty good.

Zach: Yeah.

Tommy: Can we meet up with the other team members at lunch?

Zach: Oh yeah. Maybe we should go and hang out with the other members because I didn't have much time.

Tommy: Alright. At least we're in the same cafeteria.

Zach: Yeah.

Tommy: Or maybe during the break.

Zach: And I know where to hang out. But only the secondary school kids would be there.

Tommy: Really? Where?

Zach: The theatre. I'll just text everyone to meet up there.

Tommy: Okay. By the way, what happened to Lexi, Ben, Sheryl, Jenny, Sung Mi, Max and Harvey M? Aren't they with us?

Zach: They're 1st year university students already. They already got promoted.

Tommy: Alright then.

Tommy and I met up with the other secondary school students out of the theatre room. Tubbo, Tommy, Jenna and Purpled seemed confused. Before Luke and Cooper explained why we're in the theatre.

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