Season 8: 2# Dream Stuff

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Zach's POV

So after coming back to our dorms from the dorm area near Yuansu Park, we are now talking about Dream. Because we're going to have the Dreamon hunt tonight after dinner. Or when the alarms sound which might be annoying but it'll also be used because it's an emergency.

George D: Okay, we already know that Dream is also manipulative and stuff, right?

Tommy: Yeah, we know that.

George D: He shares the same ideology as Jschlatt, he hates children.

Tommy: Are you kidding me?

Toby: God knows who hates kids.

Zak: Does he hate people of colour and non-Americans?

Nick: Of course he doesn't, he just hates kids which is why he could easily manipulate them.

George D: Another thing about Dream is that he could emit his kind of spirits everywhere.

Niki: You mean Dreamons?

George D: Yeah, that's why the Dreamon attacks have been happening. There might be more of his kind somewhere.

Zach: We'll look for them tonight. The sun is already setting so that means we have to head to the cafeteria. Let's go.

We walked out of the dorms all the way to the cafeteria to have dinner. We met up with Mr. Tan there which means that we could start planning on what we'll do during the Dreamon hunt. While eating our food of course.

Mr. Tan: So, what are we going to do during the Dreamon hunt?

George D: Dream emits a bunch of little versions of himself so we need to use whatever power we have to fight them. That means thousands of Dreamons.

Zach: And like many Dark Spirits, they can posses Light Spirits and normal humans.

Toby: Do Hybrid and Dark spirits count?

Zach: No, they are immune to Dreamon possessing.

Nick: I never even learned how to possess other Light spirits. Not even my dad or mum could do it.

Brandon: Even I can't do it.

Mr. Tan: You might learn it someday. Anyways, are there any more things about Dream?

George D: We already know he's manipulative because I used to date him. But the other thing we didn't know is that he shared the same ideology as Jschlatt. The fact that they don't like kids.

Annika: Can you not say that? I'm the youngest in this team.

Lavender: No, it's actually Theo.

Annika: Do babies count?

George D: All he said was kids, not babies.

Lavender: Guess I'm safe.

Mr. Tan: What else?

Zach: I think that's all.

Mr. Tan: Good, now it's time to prepare ourselves for the Dreamon hunt.

Ryan L: Or Dreamon attack.

The alarm started going off as we quickly kept our food trays and ran outside the cafeteria. We saw a lot of Dreamons floating around the sky as the alarm is still ringing. Even other students and staff went outside just to see a bunch of green clouds with white faces flying around. That's when I told everyone to calm down and stop panicking. The alarm has stopped ringing yet the Dreamons are still around.

Zach: Everyone calm down! The Dreamons had attacked us again for the first time after a long time. So let us Zodiac heroes handle this.

Mr. Tan: You may go back to your dorms, students and staff.

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