Chapter 3: Darkness

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Zach's POV

After I heard Corbyn say something, I stood up and held my Kris. Making sure that nothing happened and that there's no darkness. Very soon, the power went out but luckily the sun is still out so luckily we can still see. Nick, dad and I went back to our friend group as we started seeing dark clouds surrounding us.

Toby: What's going on?

Zach: Dark spirits are coming.

Kan: Seriously? It's not even dark.

Audrey: Yeah, dark spirits don't come out until it's completely dark.

Zach: Unless...

I opened the book about dark spirits and realised that rare dark spirits come out any time of the day in their spirit forms. These rare dark spirits are coloured green, just like Dreamon dark spirits. Like Dream.

Zach: It's Dream.

George D: Who?

Zach: Dream.

Tommy: Dream?!

Toby: How can he come out at other times other than the night time?

Zach: His colour is green which makes him able to come out anytime of the day.

Ryan L: Guess that makes sense.

Josh: Wait, if you're dyslexic then how can you read?

Zach: The font is dyslexic-friendly so I can read it. Everyone, get ready.

The dark clouds disappeared and then, a green blob-like spirit with a white mask emerged. That must be Dream, Clay's spirit form and he's green just like how he wear his clothes. We all prepared ourselves for the worst.

Dream: I'm back but with my true form. I heard that you all were studying about me.

Zak: That's what students do, Dream.

Wilbur: What do you want from us?

Dream: To get George and Sapnap back you nitwits!

Everyone: What?!

George S: Who?

Dream: The colourblind brunette one.

Zach: (sighs) If you really want my teammates, then go take them.

George D: What?

Nick: Zach, are you really doing this.

Zach: Don't worry, I got a plan. We'll meet up at Yuansu park.

George D: Okay.

Dream: That's it? You're just going to let me get both of your teammates? How pathetic. You are too naive and week to be a leader. And too young as well.

I was hit by Dream's magic as George and Nick disappeared with them. I stood up and the power is still out and it's already night time. I turned to my team as we began to declare our war between Dream and us Zodiac heroes.

Zach: That's it.

Wilbur: Zach, you alright?

Alex: Zach, what were you planning.

Zach: Look, because I knew that George and Nick were friends with Dream at some point in the past, I gave them a secret mission. They need to rejoin Dream and know what he's up to and then betray him. And come back to our team.

Niki: Guess that makes sense.

Toby: This is why he should be elected as leader.

Zach: Tubbo, you don't have to be elected. You have to be chosen by the previous leader. Like how Brad chose me to be in charge of you.

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