Season 7: 4# Afternoon Plans

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Brad's POV

Hmm... I wonder what are the Zodiac heroes' plans for this afternoon?

Zach's POV

So right now, me and my teammates are having lunch and we gave to go according to plan this afternoon. So that we can go to the courthouse by exactly 3 pm sharp. After lunch, we went back to our dorms so that me and the secondary school kids could change out of our uniforms.

Ryan L: We gotta get out of our uniforms.

Zach: Yeah.

Noah L: We don't have classes anytime soon let alone extra classes.

Maggie: Hold on, are you required to wear uniforms?

Zach: Yes, secondary school kids must wear them during course hours while university students only wear them on special occasions.

Maggie: Oh yeah.

Lexi: I was once a secondary school student so these things are pretty uncomfortable.

Zoe: Like neither of us wear skirts.

Hannah: I do. Never mind that.

Zach: Whatever, let's just change.

George D: I have to change too.

Tommy: Gogy, why? You're a 3rd year, not a secondary school student.

George D: Oh, this outfit is for university. I need to change into something casual cuz I look like a nerd.

Toby: You look like someone from World War 2.

George D: Are you kidding me?

Zach: Guys?

George D: Sorry.

We all got changed into our casual clothes and then went back to the common room. Then, we walked from our dorms to the library to study about the enderwalk state. So before we meet up at the study area, Tommy, Tubbo and I are looking for a book about Endermen Dark Spirits. Or the book about Dark Spirits in general. Once we found the book, we went back to our study area and started studying.

Zach: Okay Ranboo, you've heard of this book, right?

Ranboo: Yeah, the sources came from actual Endermen that were interviewed.

Zach: Good, so what page is the enderwalk chapter?

Ranboo: I don't know.

Brandon: I think I remember since my dad's friend was an Enderman. The enderwalk chapter is chapter 3 so if you look at the table of contents, you'll find the page.

Zach: I can't read.

Toby: Words, not numbers.

Brandon: Here, the chapter on the enderwalk state. The page is right here.

I flipped through the pages of the book until I found the enderwalk chapter. I projected it so that my team could see it and read the paragraphs of the book. Even I tried to read it to find out what we're looking for.

Yuto: So do you know what causes the enderwalk?

Zach: I looked through the paragraphs and it says that having Ender powers while sleeping causes the enderwalk state. Though sometimes, there's no cause at all.

Grace: What's an enderwalk though?

Zach: An enderwalk is similar to sleepwalking but for Endermen Light Spirits.

Ryan H: Explains the Ender though.

Ranboo: And even if I wake up from enderwalking, I couldn't remember what I was doing.

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