Season 6: 5# Blinded By The Injuries

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Brad's POV

It is the morning after the Hog Hunt and Quackity is recovering well. However, our heroes still have more tasks to do after hunting for Technoblade. They're going to file a lawsuit against both Techno and Schlatt as well as abolish execution. Right now, both Zach and George are on their way to pick up Quackity.

Zach's POV

George and I walked from our dorms to the hospital to pick up Quackity. Of course I'll go to my course after getting my teammate from the hospital. As soon as we arrived to get Quackity, Brad told us everything we have to know about his treatment.

George D: Quackity!

Alex: George!

Brad: So Quackity would have to take his pain medication for the pain and antibiotics for his sepsis. And for the eye patch, make sure to change it every 6-8 hours. And in a few weeks, he'll have to get a check up for his eye. Just to make sure if he's blind or not.

Zach: Thank you, Brad.

Brad: No problem. Also, remember your sick leave.

Alex: I will. Will I still be able to fight, though?

Brad: No, you won't go back to studying law either today. You just stay in your room and rest. George would have to accompany you.

George D: What? I have a robotics exam today.

Zach: Don't worry, I'll cover it for you.

Brad: Yeah, I'll notify the professor that you'll accompany a student who's on sick leave. You 3 are good to go.

We all left the hospital, however, I have to head to computer science courses. So I have to separate from George and Quackity until this afternoon. We were just halfway from the hospital to our dorms when I have to tell them.

Zach: Guys, I have to go to my course.

Alex: Oh yeah.

George D: Right. Make sure to cover my exams.

Zach: Yeah, from the secondary school section of the computer science course. See you later.

Alex: Bye.

George D: Bye, see you in the afternoon.

I went to my computer science course just in time before another lecture. I also noticed that Tubbo also joined the course but I dunno why since he was already in the music course. So I have to ask him.

Zach: Tubbo, what are you doing here?

Toby: I changed courses. I was thinking about moving here during our hiatus because I wanna do something asides from music.

Zach: Oh.

Tommy: Now we got all the leaders here.

Zach: Amazing.

Tommy: So, where's Big Q and Gogy?

Zach: About that, Big Q is on sick leave and George has to accompany him.

Toby: But he has a robotics exam today.

Zach: I'm gonna cover it.

Tommy: You sure? You're a secondary school student and that exam is for university students.

Zach: I'm gonna be a 1st year in a few years so it's best if I prepare for it.

Mr. Tan came into the room and told me that I'll do George's exam in this room. He gave me the examination papers and some robotic parts in order to do the exam. George's name is already written in each and every paper.

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