Eric watched the reveal video from Archie's phone and it was video by Veronica.

"Oh my gosh I could see, that you weren't ready at all for Sarge's presence. They had got you so good."

she said.

"Yes- I looked at the PTs like you all knew? My therapist, Cassie was so proud that everything pulled off exactly how she envisioned it."

Later that night, Archie had a PTSD episode thinking that he in a war and screaming for Jess. Frank went to get Jess and when he got home, Jess carefully stumped up on the steps and gently walked knowing that she doesn't have her walker.

"Don't fall down." She mumbled.

She made it to his room.


As soon as he hears her voice, he sat up catching his breath shaking as Jess comfort him pulling him into a hug.

"I'm here, it ok. I'm here, Bro."

Archie said calmly but still shaking.

"I'm sorry, Jess."

Jessica sat down on the other side of the bed.

"Does this happen often?"

Archie admitted.

"couple nights."

For Jess, it all came rushing back as she remembered how her father would have these episodes thinking that he in a war and Jess knew how to calm him down. She grabbed Archie's guitar and plays Feed the Birds as she sang the whole song as Eric and Frank listened and were speechless by Jessica's voice. For Frank, he remembered Emily and couldn't believe how similar Jess and Emily's voice were. By the end of the song, Jess looked over and Archie was asleep, just trying to hold her to keep her safe.


He mumbles.

She laid down and she said.

"I'm here: Sweet dreams, Arch."

Veronica, Eric and Frank were so happy that Jess knew what to do.

The next morning Archie woke up smiling and sees Jess sounding asleep so he quietly kisses her forehead then quietly got out of bed to greet Veronica, Eric and Frank.

"You look a lot better today."

Frank said.

Archie said.

"Thank goodness for Jess."

Veronica said.

"Yeah I agree."

While Jess slept, Archie tells the story of how in college Jess sang to him the first time and when he was a baby. Couple hours later Veronica went to check on Jess and saw that she was up. She helped and walked Jess down the steps stating.

"Looks who is finally up?"

Jess smiled.

"Good morning everyone!"

She sits in her chair and wheels to the table as Archie place her iced coffee.

"Oh thank you!!!"

Frank complements Jessica.

"Jess as Eric and I heard you sing, I couldn't believe how much you sounded like your mom-you definitely inherited her singing ability."

Jess smiled as Archie kissed her forehead.

"Aw Frank thank you. I guess you remember mom's voice huh?"

He nodded.

"Yeah she always sang beautifully every time."

Eric asked.

"How did you know how to calm Archie down?"

Jessica admitted.

"My dad joined the military right after graduation from high school and when he came home, he had the exact episodes Archie experience and mom and I were like helpless until I came up with an idea and I sang Here I Am Lord for choir practice and he relaxed."

Veronica said as she remember Jessica's reaction when Archie announced to Veronica and her that he was leaving for training the next day.

"Oh my gosh your face, Jessica said it all when Archie told us it definitely made sense now."

Jessica nodded.

"I knew about it before in high school and said he was considering it at the time. I said to him, "Like Godfather, Like Godson." And he got the hint. So the subject dropped and we all attended college. Then the day of our college graduation, he pulls Veronica and I aside and dropped it on us leaving for military training the next day. I had to be strong for Veronica exactly as I did for my mother. When I was not there in front of Dad, Mom and Veronica, I would cry in Jughead's arm worried for Archie and it was like reliving the days of being worried about my dad but with a vengeance. There were nights where I would not sleep and I remember my mom would be like try to rest and I'm like Daddy come back. Your dad always come by and convince me to catch up on sleep. Jug was the same way!"

Archie hugged her.

"That explains your reaction when I came back home: You sobbed as we hugged and you fell onto your knees saying mom and dad watched over you."

Jessica said.

"Yeah my emotions were everywhere while I was with Jug: But I was strong for Veronica and your parents hand down."

She said.

"If you need me I'm here."

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