Chapter 64: Oh men!

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"zzzzZzZz" Lily snored softly and Charles just chuckles at his little confession.
She probably didn't even hear it, he thought.

"Good night Lily" He kisses her head and closes the door.

"She good?" George asks which startled Charles when he turns around.
"Yeah mate"
"One of these days.. we really should talk to Lance" George says as they sit near the counter top.
Pierre was preparing tea for them.
"Why should we" Charles scoffs
"If they're going to date, I say we atleast talk to Lance so we can.. I don't know.. check on them?"
"I don't think it's a good idea mate" Pierre says
"Obviously we're with Lily but still we could atleast try get some information on his side if ever they get into some kind of altercation"
"Hmmm" Charles didn't like that and obviously Pierre feels for him
"Sometimes Lily doesn't tell us everything about them so like" George was still going to proceed with this but he thought he could bring Charles and Pierre on board.
"I don't think Lando's gonna react to good with this either" Pierre says
"Lando and Lance are different things. It's a job related mishap but that's why I'm asking you both" George sighs
"For Lily, we should try to atleast be in talking terms with Lance. I wouldn't want Lily to start distancing herself just because of us and him."
"Mate we've been like this already and it's been fine" Pierre says while Charles remains silent
"Until when? If you forgot, she's only with Ferrari until the end of the season. What happens then? Did you want her to pick sides by that time?" George was starting to get a bit annoyed.
"Well I can ask my team to get her be my manager" George adds

They all sighed and eventually Charles spoke up.

"You're right... we.. we should try.." Charles agrees. George had a point. If they continue down this path, they might lose Lily and if Lily and Lance break up... worst case would probably mean that they won't ever see her again and Charles wouldn't want to risk that. He went back to sleep since it was pretty early.

Morning came around with Lily waking up with a massive headache. She hears some clacking outside. Someone's probably cooking. Smells like toast.

"Good morning you party animal" George laughs at Lily as she sits next to him. "My head hurts so.. soo bad"
"Drink this. It'll help" Pierre hands over a pill and Lily drinks it with no questions asked.

"Thanks boys" Lily still rubbing her temples which made Pierre and George chuckle.
She looks around and sees Lando and Charles still sleeping. "What happened last night anyways" Lily asks as she fixes her hair which made George and Pierre give each other the look.
"Should we tell her?" George cheekily says
"Nahh" Pierre teases but Lily was just sitting there trying to actually wake up and try to make her brain function
"No really. I think I blacked out" Lily says stretching her arms up
"You should cut down your drinking ma belle" Pierre chuckles
"Wait. Did I do something wrong?" Lily's eyes suddenly widened out. It just made George and Pierre laugh more.
"What do you think you did?" Pierre jokes
"I— I don't know.. did I— shit I didn't kiss anyone.. did I?"
"Whoa Whoa whoa.. you do that? That's dangerous ma belle" George almost spits out his tea
"I didn't right? Fu—ck who did I kiss??" Lily started panicking but remembered the boys were still sleeping so she softens her voice
"Did I really?" Lily looks at Pierre but he just puts his hands up so she looks at George
"Finee— I'll tell you.. No you didn't kiss anyone but you did—"
"I did what?" Lily was still a bit out of it
"You just got up close and said some really nice words" George chuckles.
"ohh thank God" Lily sighs in relief and gets coffee
"hope it wasn't too embarrassing" she says as she sips her latte
"It wasn't but you really don't remember? That's some blackout ma belle" Pierre says as he plays with his phone.

After chatting some time, Charles and Lando wakes up and Lily makes them toast.

They spent their fun day together playing games and streaming. Helped each other on vlogging for their team too.

Friday came around and the place was swarming with media as always. Lily went on her day despite feeling a bit weird again.

"Can you pass me the pepper?"
"Here.." as Lily passes it to Charles, she tips over the salt. She froze for a bit. She tried not to think about bad luck but another one comes in.
"Have you been good ma belle?" Charles got worried as Lily accidentally breaks a glass. "Hey.. don't touch it" He held Lily's wrist as soon as possible. "Lily?" Charles asks again.
"Oh.. yeah.. sorry I've been out of it since this morning" she was feeling a bit anxious as the glass broke. It's messing with her. Her guts feeling bad for this whole day.
"Had a bad sleep?"
"Uhh.. just a little nightmare that's all" Lily snaps back to reality and sighs.

He sits down Lily on the side and asks a janitor for help. "Ma belle" Charles sits beside her and hold her hand.

She suddenly feels a sting of headache and flashes her black out that week. She remembers her drunken self as she goes to each of them saying her thanks. The last part tho, she can hardly finish. It was Charles tucking her in and saying stuff but she couldn't make it out anymore.

"Uhh.. I think Amber needs me. You go eat lunch first" Lily suddenly stands up and goes to the office.
While she was walking, she kept on trying to remember what Charles had said.
"Lily?" Amber calls her attention.
"Yes?" She answers
"You okay? Are you still able to complete the files?" Amber looks worried so she strikes a smile and nods

After a while Lily forgot about her uneasiness as she works on.

"Aw" she gets a paper cut.
"Here" Amber quickly gets the first aid kit and gives her some bandage. Lily puts it on and sighs
"Tell me.. what has been bothering you?"
"I don't know honestly.. It's been a while since I had a nightmare and.. it's really eating me up"
"Do you want to share what it was about?"
"I— I just see another girl.. and then I was crying.. crying real hard then there was some baby noises I can't shake of the feeling"
Amber understands and gives her some warm cup of chocolate. She smiles a bit.
"Thank you"
"I'm not so superstitious myself but.. it's different when it's your guts telling you something. It's instinct to protect yourself. Tomorrow's gonna be a hectic day. You should try to get a good night's sleep" Amber says as she pats her shoulder.

And she was right... Quali was hectic.
Charles got 13th and Seb wasn't doing as well too.
But the day continues until the actual race comes.

"Charles Leclerc!!! And that is a very big accident" Lily gasps as she watches on screen. Her anxiety starts to attack again. She waited until Charles got back. "Are you okay?" She was worried. All these time she was feeling some omen to happen and it did. "Ma belle.. it's okay.. let's get to the infirmary yeah?" Charles saw her hands a bit shaky and wanted to assure her that it was all fine. After the check up, the race was still ongoing.

Charles let her continue watching the race. Lance was still in front row and as Hamilton drops places, Lily was getting more anxious as the race goes closer to the end.

"Lance Stroll completes the podium places" Lily's jaw drops. He won. He fucking won. She didn't know how to react. It was his first and she didn't know what to do.

She looks back on Charles. He gives her a smile and a reassuring nod. "Go.." He says. She smiles and starts to run. She didn't know what's going to happen but she wanted to see him.

And she did.

Book 1: Oh love, how could I forget~ (Lance Stroll)Where stories live. Discover now