Chapter 16: Moonlight

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Lance finished 8th on Practice 2 - Day 1

"Good job Lance!"

Good results for today! This is going real great.
"Heyyy! I'll be back soon babe" as usual.. he comes over for a hug and a kiss on my forehead then goes to all the stuff needed to be done..
After a while.. it came to the last part of the whole race. A team picture.

"Lily! Come join us! You've always been away when we do thissss" Helen was one of the ladies that worked for Racing Point and she's always been so nice whenever I'm here so I let her drag me next to Lance.
"One. Two. Three!" Just when the camera clicks.. Lance pull me closer to him with his arms around my waist making our first picture.. me looking at him only half of my face was seen..
Another picture was taken but this time Lance was looking at me too.
"what?" He smiles
"I..I li—" I wanted to tell him
Everyone claps and ends the day
"Finallyyyy! Time with you" He seemed so happy.
"You know I just realized we don't have much picture I borrowed this" He hands out an instax.
"Too bad it only has 2 shots for you and me"  I swear sometimes he smiles like an idiot.. he's too cute..
"I want one with just you in it"
"Let's just take one together"


"I look so weird hereee"
We were playing around with the film.. Lance was tall so when he put his hands up I was jumping to get it and we were laughing around that much because of the way we were playing around.


"Lance!! Noooo!! I wasn't readyyyy why did you!!" Now he has a picture of me looking like an idiot.
"I look so weird here tooo noooo"
We were almost playing tag at this point.
"No you don't its cute" He says as he puts his hands up with the film again..
"Nooo.. u wouldnt want me to jump Lancee"
He laughs. "Bring it on. I'll always catch you"
I jumped on him and he did hoist me up. I wrapped my legs on his waist for support and he carried me.
Seeing him at this angle.. my eyes fall onto his.
"God. You're so beautiful" he places his lips on mine. It was a peck and another on my cheek, on my forehead, my temples and chin. I was giggling at this point.
"You like showering kisses now?"
"I've always liked kissing you" He smirks as he carries me to the parking lot.
"Aren't you tired though?"
"You're almost as light as what my usual routine is so.. this is nothing" he smiles as we get to the car.
"You can put me down now" I shyly smiled.
"I dont want toooo" he pouts
"Comeon now how can we go back to the hotel?"
He surrenders. "Fineee.. but I want more hugs later" I chuckled "fine finee you need your cuddles" I giggle as I tease him.

At the hotel

"Have you been to the pool yet?" I asked as we were preparing our things.
"Yeah but don't remind me that" Lance kinda sounded pissed a bit
"Would there be people tonight? I kinda want to play with water a bit."
"Let's check it then"
We already changed just in case that the pool is open.

I was walking infront of him when some random dude barged on my side making me fall unto Lance arms..
"Watch where you're going" Lance's voice was a bit louder than usual. The guy just said sorry then proceeded to the hallway.
"You okay?" I stood up and dusted my sides
"Yeahh.. I was just kinda out of focus" I softly let out a laugh from embarrassment.
"Come here. Walk beside me" He pulls me to him and wraps his arm around my waist.

"Woww.. most them are probably resting now huh?"
"Yeahh.. it's good that we're the only ones here tonight" Lance smirks as he gives my neck a quick kiss
"Lancee! Someone might see" I shushed him.

"What do you want to get?" Lance asks as he goes through the menu.
"Do they have like barbecue?"
"Yeah I think they do, let's just order now and swim for a while"
He then proceeds to take off his top.
I bit my lip. The moonlight shining on him makes my heart feel full. What a fantastic view I must say.
"Like what you see?" He teases me while showing his sweet pearly whites.
"Join me?" He asks as he was already in the pool
I slowly took off my robe... revealing a two-piece black swimsuit. It was a revealing top and shorts. I knew my period would stop for a while if I was going to swim. I let down my hair as the curls naturally fall on my shoulders.
I swam a couple of laps then just pushed away my hair from my face.

"Oohhh its cold" I say as I was just standing in the pool. Lance came to me.
"That's easy to fix" He kisses me with his hand on my neck. Fully in control of my head..
"I want you so bad" He whispers as he places his hand on my hips.
We were now looking into each other's eyes. Getting mesmerized at everything happening and the world slowly stops again.
"Be with me yeah?" he suddenly asks.
I gulped at the question he threw at me. Took me a few seconds to comprehend.

"Excuse me sir, we have your food ready to serve"
"Uhm.. yeah okay you can place it over there"
I suddenly looked away and get my robe..
Lance got off the pool too.

We started to eat with the awkward silence surrounding us. After a couple of minutes, he spoke up again.
"I was wondering if you wanted to.." he pauses for a few seconds and I waited..
"to get to know each other?" he asks
I think I choked on a bit of the barbecue I was eating
"OhGad. Are you okay?" He gave me some water and when I was finally breathing again..
"Where did this come from" I gave out a nervous laugh as I was caught off guard.
"I just wanted to know you more" He says as he rubs my back.
"Me too" I shyly said.
"Why don't we play 21 questions then?" He suggests
"Yeah sure why not"

1. "Let's start easy then. Hmmm.. What's your favorite color?" He asks.
"I like orange but now that I'm older.. I do appreciate Pink and Olive Green. You?"
"White or Black is good for me"
"Your turn to ask" He smiles. This is kinda fun.
2. "What is that one thing you like but everyone doesn't that much?"
"Investment" huh who knew Lance took interest on this.
"Wow thats quite adult stuff. Mine's probably.. Racing.. in my country its not common"
3. "What do you like more receiving gifts or receiving kind words?"
"I've always liked giving gifts so hmm i guess receiving compliments? I dunno.. you?"
"Kind words for sure"
4. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"
"Philippines" He smiles. Cheeky.
"Probably on the next track"
5. "What was one time you really stepped out of your comfort zone?"
"Going here. It took a lot of courage and savings. For me, it was worth it"
"Still racing for F1. I wanted to race for F2 first but since circumstances happened.. I jumped here and it was tough."
6. "What is your pet peeve?"
"Hmm ohhh when people bite their spoon. It makes me have goosebumps"
"Wow really? Me too!! But if its a pet peeve probably.. people who are scheming"
7. "What would your perfect morning be like?"
"This is easy. Mcnuggies and Chocolate Float. You?" oh gosh I miss Jollibee (a fastfood chain in Philippines)
"Smell of coffee and ruffled sheets" he smirks
8. "What's the most recent thing you've done for the first time?"
"I'd say.. sex in the car" we both grinned.
"Everything since I met you" I felt butterflies as the cold breeze hit me.
9. "How many exes you have?"
"Oh we're gonna talk about this.. okay.. hmm it'd say 4 but if we're going to include gradeschool its 8.. you?" I laughed. Half of my exes were from my 14-17 teen years. I'd probably say they're just puppy love and stuff
"Just.. 2 actually.." he scratches his head.
"I don't believe you" I joked. Lance cant be serious.
"No really just 2."
"Hmmm.. flings then?"
"A couple" he sighs then honestly answers.
10. "What was the reason for your last breakup? Don't answer if you don't want to" I said just in case he's not comfortable sharing
"She.. I don't know.. she said she used me for money and power"
"I'm sorry I asked.."
"No its fine it's a long time ago. So.. how about you then?"
"Your ex.. why'd you break up?"
"Uhm.. he was a nice guy but.. he said he couldn't wait any longer and I wasn't ready at that time" I faked a smile for this one. "But uhh.. he left me first before he went to another girl so that's okay"
"What do you mean by he can't wait any longer? If you're okay telling me.."
"What you got from me is what I didn't give to him" I smiled faintly.

Another strong wind has passed and I was shivering from the cold.
"Come on let's go. You're going to get sick at this point" He says as he gets my two hands and press them together trying to warm it up with his own.

We went down to our room and it was still freezing.
We changed and as we went to bed. I was probably dozing off at this point.
Lance hugged me and whispered

"Thank you for giving me a part of you"

Book 1: Oh love, how could I forget~ (Lance Stroll)Where stories live. Discover now