Chapter 37: Good Press

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Lily's POV

"Have you been online yet?" Pierre asked as we were preparing for bed. "Not yet. Why? Something happened?" I asked fixing the blankets.
"Err.. You're kind off a hot topic now" He was hesitant but showed me some Instagram posts and a few gossip channels.

The titles were wild and I hope this doesn't cause much trouble with my company.


"Ohh no. I'm gonna be so dead" I sighed and thought of what Amber could say.
This is bad press.
Someone might see this as a bad point for me.

"It's gonna be okay ma belle. You're amazing. Don't mind them okay" George hugs me and kissed my head. "Thank God I have you guys" I am relieved that I could lean on them.
"Let's think about it tomorrow yeah?" Pierre says as he go to the guest room. Sleeping arrangements were Pierre and Charles. George and Lily then ofcourse, Theia with Lando.


"Hello?" I woke up to a call. "Yes Amber" I suddenly got slapped by the morning sun. I quietly went outside while George was still sleeping on the floor.
"I'm sorry Amber I didn't know they would take it that way I--"
"Good morning love! Nooo don't sweat it. Actually I'm here to tell you" Amber seems excited on the other line.
"What? What happened?" I'm confused honestly.
"Yesterday, you streamed right? We expected some buzz but we didn't expect for you to blow up!" Amber squealed.
"I did gain some followers" I shrugged.
"gain some??! Love you blew up like big time!" Amber chuckles.
"You just got both men and women's market from 17-25 line" She adds
"Also we got notification from your sponsor"
"What did they say?"
"Remember when you liked that bracelet watch that you picked?"
"Yeah it's pretty" I said looking at my wrist
"You wore it yesterday and their website got traffic because of it. Sold quite a lot too!" Amber was so happy. I'm relieved.
"Ohmygosh Thank God! I thought something bad would've happened." I sighed and let out a deep breath.
"Oh love continue what you're doing. We'll support you" Amber says.
"Thank you for trusting me."
"You're amazing love you should believe in yourself more"

They ended that call after few discussions about the products that the sponsors want to send.

I went inside again and saw Lando awake in the kitchen looking for milk.
"good morning" I whispered. "good morning" he responds.
"uhm.. so yesterday.. we made a heck of a mess" I said.
"I'm sorry Lily it was my idea to stream with everyone. I'm sorry for the nasty comments you received" He suddenly felt guilty. "ohh Lando noo.. it's not that.. you don't have to be sorry" I quickly said. "uhm.. actually they got good response from sponsors. Apparently I got to sold some of their products because they saw me wearing it yesterday."
"really?! that's great news!" Lando smiled and spoke quite a bit loudly.
"that's great news ma belle" George groaned as he stretched waking up.
"So now are you going public being Charles' Manager?" He asks. I nodded.
"Yeahh.. we'll start by posting some on my instagram then I'll post a vlog about it" I said as I prepare the food.
Pierre and Charles went out after some time.
"so who is this mystery girl? Let's find out who Lily Cruz is. Lily was born in the beautiful islands of Philippines. A pure Filipina blood. She worked a couple of jobs here and there and we could see her co-workers posts. She has been an amazing employee as we can see her awards. She has been a great healthcare customer representative and her last job was probably a finance manager but hey, enough of that! We should go to her Instagram and check here.. Not only she was a hard worker, we can all agree she is also an influencer. She has her youtube channel where she showcases her keyboard reviews, gaming videos and even nail videos. Oh wow her last nail video was a Racing Point inspired nails. Hmmm this is interesting. Now that we went all through that.. how is she related to Formula1 now? She appears to have been seen in the paddocks since Barcelona but no one has ever paid attention because she has been wearing a face mask. This mystery girl appears to be a Ferrari employee. None of my resources has clear information about her but one thing's for sure she is close to the drivers must be because she's very very charming. We will be hearing more of her next time!" Pierre was playing this video from youtube and everyone was listening to it.

"I think you should upload a new nail vid ma belle" Charles said as we were eating breakfast.
"yeahh.. I'll upload these" I showed my overgrown Ferrari nails. Reminds me I have to change this before the weekend. "Theia do you want me to do your nails?" I offered because she had really pretty hands. "Sure! I'd love to" She smiles as she gives Lando her milk because he wanted more but there was no more milk in the fridge.

"Same schedule boys!" I said looking at my tablet.
"Let's run around the neighborhood!" Lando suggests.
"Fineeee!" I surrendered.
"I have to get some clothes though" Theia says.
"Can I come with?" I asked. Theia lives next door. "Sure. Can you help me with the pool too?"
"You have inflatable pool??" Lando pops out suddenly.
"Yes" She chuckles.
"Great!!" Pierre cheers.
"what's up with you guys and pools. Do you want me to buy you boys rubber duckies?" I teased.
"I have my own" Lando confesses. Theia chuckled. "Very cute" she says as we go our way outside. I can almost feel Lando blushing. Swear to God they're so cute together.

"Very beautiful house you have here" I said as we stepped inside. "Thank you I just moved here a couple of months ago."
"So uh.. what's up with you and Charles?" Theia asks suddenly.
"Me and Charles?" I laughed at her. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"Like you and him.. together?" She looks confused.
"oh! no I'm his manager. we live together in Monaco because it's more convenient and saves money and time. I prepare his meals and schedule. So it's like manager and assistant and secretary? all of the place honestly." I explained.
"ohh.. So you don't like anyone of them then?"
"Well.. I did.. do.. did.. like somebody" I said truthfully.
"Is it Lance Stroll?" she asked. well that's out of nowhere how'd she guess??
"Uh.. yeah. How'd you?"
"I kinda saw you texting him" She chuckles.
"You looked really happy" She adds
"hmm.. I guess he's just.. different you know? but he doesn't like me that way so" I rubbed my arms as the breeze went through.
"You should tell him that"
"tell him what?"
"Tell him the truth" Theia gives a reassuring smile at me.
"If you like him, I personally feel that you need to try to do your best. give your all you know"
"Not now.. but maybe soon? I don't know.. when I feel sure enough about his feelings.. I'll tell him. So.. what about you and the silly fella I have here?" I teased.
"Silly fella? You mean Lando?" Theia almost blushes.
"You like him don't you" I grinned.
"Uh— well.. I.. I do" she bites her lip but I can see her smiling again.
"But don't tell him please" she suddenly requests.
"Ofcourse! I'm so excited for you guys!"
"But uh.. I don't know I don't think he'll ever ask me out.. or am I just confused of the signals he gave me?"
"that silly boy will come around I promise"

She chuckles as she goes to the bath. We changed here and went back along with the pool.
"We have started alreadyy done 5 sets. Let's warm up so you can jog with us" Lando says.

We started jogging and Theia was struggling but she had Lando by her side.

"Ma belle" Charles called me and I looked over. "Congrats! I told you, you could do it" He matches my phase. "Thank you. couldn't have done it without you mon beau" I chuckled.
"This weekend will be the fashion show right?" He suddenly asks.
"Wish I could come"
"that's alright Charles. I know you would've but we have new upgrades with the car and you have a lot of schedules that week too. Besides.. I'm surely gonna look out of place there"
"I'm sure you'll look just fine ma chere. You'll do great!" He assures me.
"Why are you guys so slow" George laughs as he and Pierre ran together.
"We actually don't live in the gym George!" I said lightly punching his arm.

After some rounds, we stopped and went for cool down. The boys started to prepare the pool. It was quite big. "Where did you get this" Charles was confused as to how it was really big. "I don't know I got it along with the house" Theia laughs.

Lance Stroll sent a message
Stroll: hey 😬
Lily: hey 😎
Stroll: So I think it's all finalized with your team and Emily's. They're pretty happy with the deal too! 😊
Lily: Thankss 🥰
Stroll: You're trending now. Have you read some already? 😕
Lily: yeah.. Half of them weren't too bad.. but I mean I understand why they don't like me lol 😅
Stroll: Don't mind those negative disgusting comments. They don't know who you truly are. Don't need those unnecessary stress. They're just jealous of you.
Lily: I'll try 😅
Stroll: You're one of the best people I have ever met. You shouldn't let them bring you down. 🙏🏻
Lily: You're doing it again. 🙄
Stroll: Doing what?
Lily: that. you're being a Life Coach hahahahah
Stroll: It's because you don't tell yourself kind words. I will gladly tell you how good you are 🥺
Lily: right right. I'm swimming with them. Laters 😎

"This is niceeeeeee" Pierre says as he sits inside the pool.
"This is lifeeeeeeee" George agrees as he cools down too.

Surprisingly we all fit in the pool and we're just chilling for the whole day~

Book 1: Oh love, how could I forget~ (Lance Stroll)Where stories live. Discover now