Chapter 42: Sweetly but Secretly

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Let's take a quick lookback to Lance's POV from that day in Barcelona onwards~


"Hey mate! Heard you have practice today. You didn't crash didn't you?" My friend laughing.
"No mate.. it's all good here" I said as it really was.
"Where they held it this season? Spain? Did you leave yet?"
"Yeah. I'm still here at Barcelona"
"So I hear you're seen with a girl recently. Lily was it? Heard from it from Emily"
"her? She's great..."
"How about the last one. What was her name? Shiela was it or Sharon?"
"She was good but... no mate, I was just playing with her" I said honestly
"Ouchhh thought she was kinda decent no?"
"I'm done playing though"
"Is this why you let your sister see her? Can't believe I'd be able to see you settle down so quick though" he chuckles.
"No I'm serious mate. I'm even planning to ask her tonight"
"Oh shit mate you're really serious?"
"Yes. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend"
I smiled as I open the small box. Hope the ring fits. I had to secretly measure her finger whenever she slept beside me. I asked a friend to custom make a ring. Lily loves jewelry and I know she would appreciate how the ring was only made for her and her only.

I walked out of the room to find Lily but I couldn't see her anywhere near the hospitality. Maybe she went to the hotel already?
"Lance we have some more interviews for today" my PR manager just called so I had no choice but to stop looking for her for a while.

After interview and another, I asked around but I still couldn't find her. Maybe she went to the hotel early. I needed to settle one last thing with my engineer then I'll look for her again.

When I got to the hotel I saw a card on the bed.
"It was fun ~L" wait.. is this from Lily? Fun? What did she mean?? I searched the room but she wasn't here anymore. No luggage.. She even left the necklace on the floor. Shit.

"Where could she be??" Shit. Charles!
I went there knowing I might get more angry if she really was there but still I hope she was so I can ask what happened. What was this sudden disappearance.
I also went to George's room.

"Do you have her number?" I asked George.
"The fact that you're asking me is ridiculous. How could you not have it when you've been with her this whole time" George was visibly pissed but how can he not be. I would be too.
"I didn't know that she wasn't going to be anymore" I soften out when I heard myself say it out loud. I'm so stupid. Fucking stupid.

"We have race tomorrow. Just go back already" George says as he closes his door.

I went back to the room and sat on the side of the bed. My head is spinning too much.
"It was fun?? You were playing this whole time?? What a fucking mess"  I say as my eyes feel heavy.

Was she another girl who just wanted something from me?? But why wouldn't she stay if she wanted anything?? Was she in it for my money or did we just get together for the sex.

"She hasn't gone back to Philippines? Did you really check?" I was getting heated up with the news I got because they still can't find her.
"Where are you Lily??" I sighed.

Days passed. Months went after another.

I just found myself going to clubs, drinking and getting wasted. I went back to my old ways but when the girls get on the bed, all I can think of was Lily. It was difficult. I wanted to get over her but I can't even finish sex with someone else.

"Mate you've been having these nightmares again" my friend woke me up from getting hammered last night again.
"What day is it?" I groaned.
"It's the 29th mate" he said.
"What? Shit I need to go to a meeting today. It's almost race week" I quickly went to shower and to the office.

Their mouths were moving but I just couldn't focus on whatever they're saying. The usual schedule. There wasn't really anything changed. It has always been like this. Biggest Difference was just.. when Lily came into my life.. everything was attainable. Everything felt lighter and happier.


We got to our rooms. The whole team got the floor so I wasn't really going out the much. Training, practice, media then back to the hotel to rest.

Race day came fast and we were all on the grid now.. my team was already done so just a few were left to check on the car. I had my helmet already but I saw something very familiar.

Infront of my car was Ferrari's Charles Leclerc but he was talking to this girl with chocolate brown hair. It was in tied up but the moment she removed her mask, I felt like I know who it was but I wasn't sure if I'm mistaken.
Just minutes before the green light. I couldn't take my eyes off her. When did Leclerc get a girlfriend? Or is that really her??

She was done talking and walked back to the garage. As she turned around, I felt my heart stopped for a second. It was her. It was Lily!
I sighed. "Of course! she went to Ferrari"
I tried to shake off the feelings and raced first. I'll go find her after and this time I'll seek the truth.

Events folded faster than I expected and the morning after we talked again...

Lily went on to say she wanted us to take a reset but it wasn't the one I expected.

I surrendered. It hurt but it was the only choice I can to be closer to her. I agreed being fuck buddies but I did add a rule where we can call it off anytime.. I want to have that so I can pursue her once more.

Secretly we met and fucked. I would be lying if I didn't say it was one of our bests but it also felt so casual that I'm starting to feel greedy again. I can't stand her leaving right after we do it. I somehow felt used but I don't care. I wanted more of her. I wanted to date her for real so I thought of ways I could keep her time with me only.

Her spending time with Charles, Lando, George and Pierre bothered me so much. They got real close with her and I feel like I'm losing out. Honestly,if she was my girlfriend I wouldn't get jealous with them... but she isn't and that just makes me angry to know that they still have a chance.

The next day I tried to take a shot by opening the dinner topic. Maybe we can just chill today like old times. And even though our dinner was interrupted by her work, I smiled admiring her as she laughed so sweetly.

Hungary GP went by and ever since I got her number, I wanted to call her. I wanted to hear her voice and when she answered she sounded so excited and happy telling me this good news.
"Wow.. that's amazing! Congrats!" I smiled, finally she's starting to open up to me like before.
"Oh.. I'm sorry I thought—"
"it's fine. I'm glad to be the first one to hear the news" it stung that if she didn't make a mistake.. then she wouldn't have told me this? I tried to ignore this and proceeded to tell her about Emily since the next race would be in Silverstone. It was the perfect time to figure out if I still have chance because I always kept the ring with me ever since I saw her again.

Book 1: Oh love, how could I forget~ (Lance Stroll)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя