Chapter 14: Atypical Day

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"Good morning babe" I hear Lance whisper and get breakfast from the food service that just came.
"Thank you" he closes the door and gently wakes me up.
"Lily.." It's been a while since he called me that..
I tried to sit up even though my eyes are still closed..
His arm went around my shoulder supporting my body from falling on the other side..
"Do you still want to sleep?" I nodded as he softly chuckles.
"Sleepyhead" he says as he kisses my forehead.
"What did you get?" I asked when I knew from the smell what is was as it was my favorite ever.
"mcnuggies" My lips curled into a smile as I open my eyes.
"Thank you" I pecked a kiss on his cheek and proceeded to eat beside him on the bed.
"Tomorrow.. we have practice again. I have a pass ready for you" He says as he eats his pancakes. "Can I have a bite?" I gave him a cheeky smile. He nods. "Thanks!"

"Most of he time I just wonder you know.. How can they sell pancakes in the morning and the nuggets are not available yet" I shake my head and sigh.

"You're so unpredictable y'know" He says as he continues eating. "more on impulsive I think" after some time we got quiet again.. just eating our breakfast together, side by side.

Got me thinking about last night. I wonder how it went for Elena and Esteban. They must've been so happy. The magical moment together and when she said yes. it must've been rewarding for both of them.  All these feelings coming back to me.
I'm always like this.

After my previous long term relationships, I suddenly stopped holding grudges and for some reason after I sleep, I just forget the emotions I have the next day and I just don't care or I don't make a big deal out of it.

So today is a typical day for me. Even though my girl talk with Elena did open up some things I didn't want to admit.. I still am scared. I'm terrified of the thought that Lance is just playing with me. I'm scared that he might just be looking at me as his toy. Probably cause I did make myself easy. I sigh. and yet, every time he calls me, I respond willingly.

"Do you want to go out today?"
"Sure.. where do you need to go?"
"We're meeting some sponsors today"
"Sure.. is it the big guys again?"
"no.. actually they are small companies but they would help rebuild"
"Sure.. it's not like I have plans"
It's true when I went here my plan was only to watch the race and  walk around to admire such beautiful country.. but then I met Lance and none of these people have ever let me pay for anything so..

"do you? if you do it's okay--" I just cut him off "it's gonna be fun. It's been awhile since I went to a somewhat "work" gathering."

Since it's a luncheon party, I'll just go with a flowery dress.
"Ready?" "yeah"
"Would I know anyone there?"
"I'm not sure if there would be other drivers there but just stand close to me"

At the party

"Lance. We're glad you can make it" 
I was wearing my business smile there.
Lance already gave me briefing with who might be there and what they are looking for. He doesn't need to do anything but be present and so he just tells me that I don't have to do anything too. But like.. I feel kind of awkward not doing anything at all.

"Yes. What a lovely party" as they start a conversation.
I excused myself as I went to the open bar.
"What would you like today?"
"Hmm I dont know. Can you recommend something?" I smile.
I see George coming and ordering one as well.
"I'll just try what he's having" I chuckled.
"Hey Lily! Didn't know you're here" George then lets out a big sigh of relief.
"I'm guessing you don't like parties?"
"I do just these business ones aren't my style"
We move over to a small table to talk some more
"Are you Lance's...?" He was thinking over which words he would like to ask but I just answered him
"Plus one here? Yeah.."
"I meant like.."
I shake my head giving a fake smile..
"But why.. why not?" George looking puzzled.
"Oh come on. let's not talk about it anymore"
"Alrightt I won't press you then" George put his hands up in surrender as we were laughing it out.
"Will I be seeing you on the next races then?"
"Hmm.. I don't know actually" I shrugged my shoulders.
"You can work for Williams then" He blurts out.
"How can people give out jobs like these seriously"
I got to know that they are actually always hiring new people every race because besides the main crew, most of the employees are hired where the country is being held. Saves much plane tickets and accommodations but he says that having a personal manager is different that's why he thinks Charles is lucky if I would accept Ferrari's offer.
"Ohh if you don't accept them. I'll definitely look into Williams and get you" He jokes.

We were having a nice conversation, laughing here and there.
Lance suddenly comes up to us and grabs me.

"Be gentle with her geez." George says to himself as he drinks the remaining wine.

"Aww.." Lances grip on my wrist is too tight as he drags me near the car
"Lance! That hurts" I yanked my hand out as we stopped walking.
"What's your problem?" Can't believe this is the first time I'm getting pissed.
"What's your deal then?" He questions me back
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you with Russell?"
"We were just talking!" I was raising my voice but still kept it down. I didn't want anyone hearing us.
"You were just talking?! Right for sure! Everyone can see how you've been having a jolly time with him"
"It's a party of course everyone's gonna wanna have a good time"
"YOU were having a good time obviously"
"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped at him. Why is he even like this
"You don't even know what kinds of people are here"
"Exactly that's why I was talking to George"
"He's not the only one who could accompany you" he scoffs.
"Why would you even? And it's not like we're—" I completely paused when I heard myself say that.. I gulped as I needed to think of something before he notices..

"Lily!" we stopped.. Thank God Elena you saved me.
"Thank youuuuu! Ohmygod You don't know how happy I am!" She says as she shows me her ring.. I tried to remain calm and be happy for her..
"Thank you Lance! I heard you helped too" She def radiates too much sunshine here..
"Are you guys going home already?" She pouts.
"Uhm.." I don't know I can't think.
"We'll be staying for bit but you can go in now" Lance says as he greets Esteban.
"you have got to tell me what happened okay?" Elena whispers and winks at me before they went inside.

We were both silent and somehow the breeze got to us.. the sun was still shining and the fresh leaves swift around as they fall..

"Do you even know how he looks at you?" Lance's voice softens.. he looks at me with those damn eyes...
"No I don't because I—"
"You what"
"I only look at you" There. I said it.

"If you say what one more time I'll—"
One hand on my back and another one my neck.
It was as quick as me blanking at what I had said.
Everything just stops and slowly my heart beats become louder. The calm wind ruffles our hair and the music from the party becomes so much beautiful as the melody travels through.

Our lips get hungrier every single time and if it weren't for my period, I am most likely sure he would've taken me right there.

Hey guys.
How you liking the story so far?
Although no one literally no one requested for this but I was planning to make different stories with other drivers. 😂

Who should I start with and should it be on the mature side as well?
Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris or George Russell? Oh wait!! Should I include Max Verstappen in the options?? Let me know
Comment xx

Book 1: Oh love, how could I forget~ (Lance Stroll)Where stories live. Discover now