Chapter 54: Rich Life

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"Good morning!" Lily comes to the table to meet the boys. They've agreed to spend the day together and the first important thing is breakfast.

"Pierre. I swear you always steal my yogurt" Lily chuckles as he gets her bowl. "I'll make you one just tell me" she says as she gets up to the buffet again.
"Charles! Good morning!" They met while getting food and went back to the table where Pierre was waiting for them.

"Why does your yogurt taste great" Pierre curiously asks as they start eating together.
"Becauseeee I do my own mix" Lily chuckles. Pierre thinks it was only plain yogurt with some fruits but Lily has her own and maybe it just suited his taste.
"You feeling better now?" Lily asks Charles as she puts her hand on his forehead. He gently holds her hand and puts it down. "Yes I'm better" he smiles.

"Lando's been bugging me about golf. He says Carlos is inviting us. Are you guys free?" Lily asks.
"Yeah. Don't have much to do today" Pierre agrees
"Ma belle you know golf?" Charles was curious. There were a lot of stuff Lily knew but never actually experienced that's why they're always so amazed by her. It was like she has lived more than they have and yet has given them a refreshing view on life.

"Uhh... no but I'm pretty sure it's hard" she chuckles as they talk some more over breakfast.

Lance sent a message
Lance: Good Morning babe 😘
Lily: Good Morning ❤️
Lance: so what's your plan today?
Lily: I might come with the boys to golf. Carlos invited us this morning cause Lando's been wanting to try. 😬
Lance: have fun babe 😘
Lily: thankssss ❤️

"Charles I don't think I have any proper attire for this" Lily says as they walk through the halls.
"I think they sell clothes there ma belle. Don't worry" Charles reassures Lily.
"Max!" Lily greets him as they went in the elevator.
"Lily!" He smiles and greets Charles too. They get in the elevator and chat for a bit.

"Her flight got delayed, she won't be here until tonight" Max explains to Lily.
"That's fine. You guys can spend more time at night anyways" Lily chuckles
"Yeah. So uh.." Max hesitates for a bit and waits for Charles to look the other way first.
"you with stroll again?" He mouthes to her but she understood quickly and nods.
"You know what all this time I don't have your number" Max realizes and gets Lily's number as the elevator door opens.
"See you tomorrow then" Lily waves goodbye along with Charles as they walk out of the hotel.

"LILYYYYYYYY!!!" Lando runs and hugs her. She chuckles.
"George" She sees him as well and gives a hug.
"Carlos el guapo senorito"
"Senorita Lily glad you can make it! Maybe you're better than Lando here" Carlos teases Lando
"Ohh noo I might be worse" She chuckles as they walk around the area first.

"Ma belle they have clothes here" Charles says as he browses through the rack with Pierre. "Is this okay?" Lily holds up a cute white outfit and Charles smiles and nods. "Pierre I think that's too big on you" Lily chuckles as they see him out of the changing room. "Here" Lily gives him a smaller shirt and wait on the boys as they finish changing.

"Go ahead" Lily says to the boys as she's in the changing room. Charles waited for her outside with Pierre and George. They were talking about cars. Lily goes to them with her hair down and they were just stunned. "Whoaa ma belle is there any special occasion" George teases her. It's been a while since she left her hair alone but she didn't realize this and automatically ties her hair up. "Nooooo" Pierre reacts while Lily was just confused. "What" she chuckles.

"We riding this?" Lily asks as she sees the carts. "You want to drive?" George offers the keys. "Don't blame me for motion sickness okay" Lily laughs at her own joke. These boys ride the fastest cars. It'll take a very good amount before they would even be fazed.
Lily follows Pierre's cart where Charles and George were in while Lando and Carlos was with her
"LILY DRIVE FASTER THERES A BUUUUGGGG FOLLOWING MEEE" Lando screams as they see the biggest bee ever. They chuckles as Lily drives faster.

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