Theodore had his back leaned against the wall of glass that overlooks the green abyss, Draco's head was in his lap. Pansy was at Theodore's side, braiding small strands of Draco's white hair.

"Draco." Jamie addressed, catching the trio's attention. "We need to talk about Buckbeak."

Draco scowled at the creature's name. "What about him?"

"They're going to kill him if you don't do anything."

Draco sat up, running a hand through his hair to undo all the braids; Pansy huffed in frustration. "He attacked me. Why would I defend him?"

"Because you provoked him. He would have not attacked if you had not offended him."

"I still don't see why I should defend him."

"Not everything you do has benefit you. You can do something just out of the goodness of your heart, you know? He doesn't deserve to die. And Hagrid, he's all broken up."

Draco just shrugged.

"Will you let your pride get in the way of a innocent life?" He asked softly. Draco stared down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers to avoid looking at Jamie.

"Father would be—"

"Who cares!" Jamie said. "Who cares what he thinks when he is in the wrong?"

Draco glared at him. "I care. In case you haven't noticed I have spent years trying to impress him. He's my father, that's all I want. You know how he thinks, if I ask him to call off the whole thing he'll think I'm weak, that I want to lose and disgrace the Malfoy name. I don't expect you to understand, he's not your father, you don't have one, not really. But he's mine, he holds me to certain standards. I can't do what you ask me to do." He stood, smoothing down his jumper, his grey eyes met Jamie's for a second before he turned and muttered, "I'm sorry, brother."

Jamie caught him by the sleeve and forced him to turn around, Draco flinched. Jamie frowned before pulling him into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around Draco's shoulders protectively. Draco accepted the hug, his narrow form easily melting against his cousin's. "I want you to know that I'm proud of you. Always have been. You're my brother. It's okay if you can't see how great you are without Lucius' faith, because I believe in you. And I know you'll come around. I just know it."

Draco chuckled tearfully.
Dinner came but Jamie could not eat. Buckbeak would be executed soon and it made him lose his appetite. He didn't even touch his pumpkin juice.

"You need to eat." Gregory said, holding out a fork of his own potatoes to Jamie's mouth.

Jamie shook his head politely, almost gagging at the smell. The thought of eating any food made him sick.

"I can't. Not when Buckbeak. . ."

Gregory nodded. "I get it. But at least drink something."

Jamie waved his wand, his pumpkin juice turned to water, he took a small sip for Gregory. Said boy smiled and went back to his food, he tilted his head to stare at Vincent, who was currently telling the story about how he wore a dress and accidentally found his way into a muggle pageant— and won.

After dinner was done and over with, Jamie dragged his feet, falling behind the hoard of Slytherins heading for the dungeons. Then a hand shot out of a cupboard and pulled him into the dark. He would never admit to anyone he may have squeaked.

He tried to grab his wand but a hand gripped his wrist and pushed him away.

"It's me!" A familiar voice hissed.

The Grim ➸ R. Weasley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang