Chapter 39

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Hayat Aslan's POV

I decided to stay in my room till I get better or at least know about the virus. But Murat did not let it happen. He literally almost broke the door because I was not letting him in.

"Murat just go. I will come out myself once I know about the reason of my sickness."

"Don't be ridiculous. Open the door." He again pushed the door.

"I am not being ridiculous. The virus could be deadly." I shouted from the room.

"Woman, you are making me roll my eyes. Don't you think if it was a deadly virus then I would be affected by then because I am the one who was around you all the time?" That definitely made sense.

I immediately opened the door and said, "You are right! You should get yourself isolated as well."

He rolled his eyes before dragging me out. "You doctors are annoying. Always overthinking too much. Come on, locking yourself in is not going to make you feel good."

"I am not sure about that. I needed to stay in that room. I need to get better before they decide to operate Grandma." I said while he brought us to the garden.

"Why? What are you planning to do?" Murat had frown on his face.

"I want assist as well." He shook his head.

"You can't. You need to take care of your own health and they are going to operate Grandma tonight."

"Wait! What? Dr. Imran said he was preparing for it but nothing about today." I was taken aback. Why did he hide it from me?

"It was me who told him to do that. If you knew, you would have want to participate it. It would be hard for him to handle you that's why he did not tell you the date." Did he just?

"Excuse me, I am not a kid to be handled."

"You are acting like kids after becoming ill. That's why we are treating you like a kid otherwise you are more than an adult and you know that." We walked around the garden before sitting in the sitting area.

He was plating me some snacks and I got the chance to observe him. He was acting calm, normal like nothing was happening but the slight shake of his hands gave everything away. He was worried and that's why he got me out of the room like that. He was too tensed to care about a damn virus.

"You okay?" I asked while taking the plate from him.

"Of course, what will happen to me?" I sighed after hearing it.

"It was supposed to be 'What would happen to me?' but you are asking with future reference. You are afraid aren't you?" I asked.

"I am but I am trying not to. I totally understand that she can not stay here forever but I do not want to understand at the same time. It feels like I grew up too early."

I nodded while serving him some snacks as well. "Nobody is ready to let go of their loved ones but we have to even when we don't want. You also lost your parents even your grandpa. Your grandma was there for you to help you out but now it's time for you to do it. You will eventually find other things to deal with the grief. You may find someone beside you as well." I decided to change the topic. "Actually I wanted to ask a question."

He made a go ahead sign and I took a deep breath. "Did you really make that businessman to lose everything?"

He was silent for a moment. "Yes, I did. If I didn't then the newspapers would have my name and how I lost a huge fortune, questioning my business ability. You can't be a good person while doing business. That world is not for good people. I might have learn to value people because of you but the company is the place where emotions mean weakness. I can not do that."

"It makes sense but it also sound harsh." I did not know what else to say. We both went silent. He sighed and looked at the drowning sun.

"Maybe because we both are from different field. Your field requires empathy while mine misuse that. All our other differences are because of that as well."

Nandini Arora's POV

I chose a very beautiful black and blue cloth to make my dresses. My two mannequins only had a black and blue cloth wrapped around it. I decided to make a bodysuit, a dress for party and another one for clubbing or night out. I was working on my bodysuit first.

We were in a open space, it looked like more of a workshop. We already submitted our initial designs. I was working when I heard someone standing in my station. I saw the same girl who was talking nonsense to other designers at lunch. "So, you are the well known Indian designer from a Canadian company but here to represent your family's Indian company. Your whole existence is kinda confusing, don't you think?"

"I thought we are here to design clothes not anything related to our identity. Sorry but I don't think I ever saw you in any fashion week. I don't think I know who am I talking to." It was a indication for her to introduce herself.

"Of course, you don't. I am Tiara. Does the name ring any bell?" She was behaving like I shout know who she was as a famous person.

"It didn't even move anything." The Chinese designer looked offended.

"Nan, she is new and few weeks ago blew up because of some peacock dress of her." Rise, a very well known designer who was stationed beside me said. I had a really good relationship with her.

"Few week? Well I was too busy to know, sorry for that but why a rookie was behaving like she has already done ten plus shows?" I hated that kind of people.

"Because I did." The girl said in a haughty tone and I frowned.

"With the same dress, it was displayed multiple of times in different shows." Rise butted in. Those were extremely rare, Rise butting in other people's business and a dress getting displayed in multiple shows.

"Good for you. You have a reputation and expectations to keep. You should focus on that instead of this." The girl made a face and left from there.

"Gosh, I hate that Yeti so much." Rise said and I raised my brows. "Who?"

"Her. She said her name Tiara but her actual name is Ye Ti Ara. She just merged the last two. But such beautiful name do not go along with her that's why I merged the first two and it matches well with her." Rise shrugged and I laughed.

"What's her deal by the way? Thinking too high or too proud?"

"Both. She thinks that none of us can beat her like bro, this is not a competition. If you think it is then keep it to yourself. Anyway, we saw too many people like her in this industry." Rise just made a disgusted face. She was absolutely right though.

My phone beeped and it was Manik's massage. I frowned because it made me a little worried.

'Get ready for a surprise.'

What surprise was he talking about?


I am back! Thanks for waiting. Next chapter is already available on Inkitt.

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