Chapter 38

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Nandini Arora's POV

A week had been passed after the launch of the company once again. We got a lot of exposure from everyone. It was going great but I was confused about my participation on the fashion week. It was not some competition but it would be a great way to flourish the company.

I talked to Manik about it and he agreed that it was indeed a good idea. So, here I was sitting my arse down in the fashion week meeting in Paris. Dave was happy to see me as he did not expect me to accept the offer. I did not want to leave, leaving my father but I was doing it for him as well.

Nial was in the meeting but he was giving me cold shoulder, ignoring me totally. I just heard whatever they said as that's what matters the most. Nial was a participant of the jury. We just had a fashion show that's why the company was not taking part in the fashion week.

After the meeting, I came face to face with him. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"Woah! I know that you are on leave but you are questioning your boss! Or do you want to lose your job as you have your own company now?" He raised his eyebrows.

"That's my family business, not my business and you are royally ignoring your head designer, boss." He laughed.

"I am one of the jury member, you know."

"It's not a competition, you know?" He again laughed.

"Gosh, I never realized it before but you are perfect for Manik. That hard head needs someone stubborn like you."

"I don't know if you just praised me or dissed me." I rolled my eyes. "By the way, where is Katherine? You never go anywhere without her."

His expression changed. "Ah, I did not bring her this time. I can manage without her."

I knew that my eye brows literally touched my hairline. "You are saying that you can manage without her? Are you sure? Did you even have your breakfast?"

"I am not a kid, Nandini. I do not have anything for breakfast most of the time so it doesn't matter. I hope you have note down everything that had been discussed." He obviously tried to change the subject. I needed to call Alice to know all the latest news. Did Katherine finally had enough of him and resigned?

"I did. We need to present three pieces each, they have to be different in style but looks like a set. That's the theme, same yet different." I had lots of plans going inside of my mind.

"Good, now you better start working. Your family name is on line. I need to go somewhere." He almost ran away from there.

"Yaap, she definitely left his ass." I mumbled with a laugh.

I talked to my parents over phone, mainly about my father's health. I just wanted to go back right way to them. As if sensing my thoughts, Manik called me exactly that time.

"Sensing my thoughts? Since when I started to have telepathic connection with him? What's going on with me?" I mumbled and received the call when it was about to get cut.


"I thought, you are not going to receive my call." He sounded kind of relief or something.

"I was not close to the phone. Why did you thought that I would not receive your call?" As far as I remember, we were definitely not fighting or he did something behind me and I did not know about it.

"I don't know, I probably thought that because you used to ignore my calls. I went back to that memory." I did not expected that answer from him.

"Well, you no longer behave like the jerk I used to know so, no reason to ignore your calls. By the way, what would you do if I really did not received your call?" I was intrigued.

"Probably called you again and again or send Nial to look for you."

I snorted. "Nial, who doesn't even look for his own mobile would look for me. Yeah sure."

"You will be amazed to know what can I make him do. We have that advantage on each other." Well, they are friends so it's obvious that they had things to blackmail each other.

"Anyway, you wanted to tell me something?" I asked as I took the conversation on another road.

"Well I wanted to ask if you have settled there and how the meeting went. You sound like everything went perfectly."

"Yes, everything is fine for now but I need to make three dresses in a week. It's going to get hectic." I sighed.

"It's okay. I know that you can handle it. Maybe doing something that will represent your company." He did not exactly suggested but it suddenly gave me a vision and I would not lie as it was a really cool vision.

"Thank you and you just gave me an idea for my dresses. Let me finish the sketch first."

"Alright, you start working and focus on that only. I will take care of everything here. You do not need to worry or get emotional. It's only a matter of one week. No need to get emotional and no thinking about coming back at home." He said sternly.

He knew, he knew what I was thinking about. "What? What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Do your sketch, I need to be in a meeting. Bye." He cut the call and I stared at my phone.

What the heck was happening!

Hayat Aslan's POV

I was really confused. After the two back to back long time surgery, I started to feel weak. I thought I would be fine after resting for a few days and I did not get sick for long time before that as well. So I did not think anything before but with more passing days, I was getting more weak.

I shared it with Dr. Imran, who kept me updated about Zain and the boy we operated before. Both of them were in care unit with 24/7 observation. Their reports look pretty normal, vitals look fine, Zain was under heavy influence of medicine so he could not fight off the sleep but that boy started talking and looked pretty normal. If they managed to get out of that stage, they needed to be under constant heart monitoring. They had a long way to go.

I told him about my health condition and he also had the same concern as me. I probably got infected with some virus at the time of surgery. He wanted me to come to the hospital and get my checkup done.

I did not inform Murat about me going to the hospital for check up. Though his driver probably, already informed him about my visit. Every staff were carrying similar food package. That happened when someone brought food for the hospital staffs.

I went through all the tests and finally sitting in the cabin of Dr. Imran. "You know what to do. You should have come way before for the test."

"I thought I was just tired. By the way, how is Azize Yilmaz?" I asked about the grandma.

"We are preparing her for the surgery. I am worried as her body is not strong enough." He sighed.

"We performed this kind of surgeries before too. Most of them were old and had weak body. Some survived, some didn't. We just need to do our best and leave everything to God. I wanted to meet her, today." I whined a little.

"You know that you can not. We don't know what kind of virus you caught. It would be better if you go straight to your house." I nodded my head before getting up. "By the way, thank your fiancé on behalf of me." He held up the same package as the staffs outside.

"Murat sent them?" I asked with a frown.

Imran nodded before I could get out of the cabin. "He did that before as well, many times. Never got to thank him before."

"Alright. I will tell him." He was one of the trustee of the hospital but I didn't get to see trustees caring about the staffs. Looked like he really changed for the better.

I directly went home and was scrolling through my social media account when I saw that my feed suddenly got filled with only one topic.

"Business shark, Murat Yilmaz has again bitten down another business man and stripped him from every fortune." I read every article that came out about him.

Maybe I was too early to talk about his change for the better.


Chapter 39 is available on Inkitt.

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