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"Excuse me, let me out for a moment." I said, they nodded and let me out.

When I came out, the girl ran away from me. I went after her.

And when I got close to her, I turned her around.


Oh, so that girl is Raemi.

"U-uh.." She looked down, not answering.

"What were you doing there? Did you eavesdrop on our conversation?"

She remained silent and looked down.

I lifted her chin, "Hey, look at me. I asked if you were eavesdropping on our conversation?"

Just so you know, I really take care of my privacy. I don't like it when someone eavesdrops..especially if it's a private thing. I really don't like it.

"Raemi..-" Before I finished speaking, she immediately ran away and didn't answer my question.

But I'm sure maybe she overheard our conversation...I just wanted to make sure.

End flashback...

Yep, so that's my flashback.

Now, I'm in my room...playing on my phone and scrolling Instagram.

"Oh my god. I forgot to take a shower!!" I left my phone on the bed, and ran towards the bathroom.
I came out of the bathroom, and heard a lot of message notification sounds from my phone.

"Huft..at least it was my mom who told me to do my monthly shopping." I thought. Then I continued looking for my pajama in the closet while rubbing my wet hair with a towel.

After finding clothes that fit, I put them on and went back to sleep on the bed while looking at the message from my mom.

"What? This message is not from my mom!"

"It's from Y/N!"

I purposely didn't want to press the message. I only read through notifications.


Y/N is my gf♡
Hi Jay, umm...

I'm so sorry for all the
things I've done.

I'm really sorry and I promise
I won't do it again.

Will you forgive me? And
forget all that has
happened between us?

Do you want us to forget
everything and start
all over again?

Jay..please forgive me
just this once. And I don't
want to lose you.

You know, you are very
precious to me, right? That's
why it's hard for me
to lose you.

So please read this message
and please take back the words
"break up". I don't want to
hear that words.

So she just messaged me to forget all about it and take my words back?!

I don't want to. I was determined to teach her a lesson. I can not go on like this.

So I didn't answer the message and continued scrolling through Instagram.

30 mins later...

I was getting sleepy and wanted to sleep. But suddenly my phone rang again.


Y/N is my gf♡
Ok Jay if that's what you want.

An agreement cannot be decided by one person alone. So as a last disclaimer, I also agree with what you said.

We broke up.

I know those are very hard
words to say by myself
who still loves you.

But because I love you,
then I will do all the things
you want for you.

And I'm sorry for
hurting you.



𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ✓ || •박종성• FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora