"Hey, this isn't your fault. You couldnt have known that was going to happen." Jug says as we sit down in one of the booths.

"I know i just wish i could have done something, anything to help her. Cheryl and her mom are taking the hush money and Cheryl had no say in it." I say sighing and taking a sip of my tea.

After i had my breakfast at pops i got a call to go over to Alice Coopers house. Not even sure why but apparently it was "important".

"Riverdales best and brightest, huh?" Alice says.

"Alice, thank you for hosting." Mayor McCoy says and Alice being Alice she put on her face smile.

"Of course, Mayor McCoy."

"When i heard what happened at Nicks party, i decided we should all come together to deal with this motley crew of lairs, dope fiends and fornicators. Except for my smart Betty, who was smart enough to leave before it descended into a bacchanalian free-for-all. " Alice starts off.

"What does that have to do with my daughter and I, Alice?" My dad asks. "She wasnt even at the party. She was at home with me watching a movie and before that she was out wth her friends."

"Really, i thought you where at the party, y/n." Alice says looking over at me.

"I got an invite but I turned it down because i already had other plans. What where those plans you may ask, well, they are non of you business. All you need to know is that i was out with my friends for the night and then i came home to watch a movie with my father." I say smiling to the group.

"Well, sorry, my mistake." Alice says as my father and i got up and left the coopers.

"Good work, dad." I say smiling over at him as we get into his car.

"Way to keep a straight face. Want me to drop you off at school?"

"Yes please." I say smiling as we drive off to Southside high.

I walked into school walking to the red and black office over hearing one of the teachers talking to jughead.

"'People have associated this school with the plagues of the southside, drugs, gangs, violence. But, like the southside, there is a community here. And while the decay is real, it is not irreversible.' I am impressed, Jughead. I truly am. Where did you find the time to put out an issue of the red and black while pledging to the Southside Serpents. I am not blind. We had a deal." Mr. Phillips scolds Jughead.

"The Serpent, they truly are a community, Mr. Phillips." Jughead says trying to work with the teacher.

"A community of drug dealers."

"That is not the serpents. That is the Ghoulies. That is also my next article." Jughead says. That is not going to work well with the teacher.

"Jughead when you said you wanted to-" then i stop listening as my phone went off.

What the fuck. I pull out my phone. "Meet me outside now!!!" From Archie. Great what does he want.

"Oh, will yo excuse me? Just for two seconds. I am sorry, Mr. Phillips." Jug says as he starts to walk off and come out of the room.

"I am guessing you heard everything."

"Of course i did. What does archie want now." I say showing him my phone.

"I dont know i go the same message thought." Jug says showing me his phone as he starts texting back.

"Jug, jug,y/n, y/n." Archie runs coming up to us. "We got to go, right now. Like right now."

"What are you doing here, man? Shouldn't you be at school?" Jug asked annoyed.

"Did the perfect girl from next store ask for you to throw some salt in the wound." I ask.

"Mayor McCoy's about to raid Southside High. We got to get you out of here. Both of you." Archie says as he starts to pull us out of the school.

As soon as he says that i grab my phone and send out a big serpent group chat. "GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF THE SCHOOL!! THE MAYOR IS GOING TO RAID IT!!" I text and press send. I wasn't sure how many people would get it.

Ten seconds later the police walk in. I started sprinting to one of the secret exits that only the serpents know. I see Peyton and grab her. "Come on we have to get out of here." I say taking her hand as we start running to the exit. As soon as we are out i see some of the Serpents getting cuffed. Fucking Andrews could have warned us a bit earlier.


I added a new charter, her name is Peyton.

Peyton is like y/n's little sister she is a year younger than y/n and is also a serpent
She grew up in an abusive household and the queens family looks after her for the most part
They are trying to adopt though

She is blonde has blue eyes and is very shy but also very aggressive
She is very kind, loving, positive, and loves playing darts

Sorry, for not updating
I was on vacation and getting set up with sport and school is starting up soon
Also thank you all foe 1k reads

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