Chapter 20: We fucked up

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Rafe groans, holding his pounding head in his hands. As his cuffed hand drags up Kies, his eyes widen. What happened? Why is he cuffed to her and why is she in his bed... naked. 'Kie?...', he chokes out in his morning voice.

Kie lets out a muffled sound before abruptly springing up. She hesitates before lifting the covers slightly, enough to confirm her worst nightmare. 'I think I'm going to be sick-'

She hurriedly pulls away from his bed, dragging his cover with her and wrapping her body with it.

Rafe quickly pulls on his boxers while she's distracted. He only manages to get one leg into his jeans, before Kie tugs him along to the bathroom.

Kie drops to her knees and throws up into the toilet bowl. Rafe finishes zipping up his jeans and looks over just in time to see watery yellow slob leaving her mouth. He gags, a heat forms and rises at the back of his throat. He drops beside her and throws up into the bowl. Rafe coughs it all up and finally spits out the awful taste in his mouth.

Luckily for his pride, Kies has her head turned away. But he still snaps the lid closed. He presses the flush and carefully scrambles to his feet. Kie stands up, not looking him in the eye. But Rafe is too busy rinsing his mouth out in the sink to notice.

He finishes up, patting his face dry with a nearby hand towel.

'Fuckkkkkk', Rafe traces his hand through his hair. 'What the hell- what the hell happened?'

'I-I think w-'

'I know what we did Kie', Rafe says slowly. 'Shit. Shit!', he slams his fist against the counter, once again without leaving a mark on the cuffs.

'I was fucking wasted Kie! I was wasted! ...Shit!... I don't remember a thing', But he recalls glimpses of last night, he'd rather not admit. Or admit that he kinda wished he remembered more.

Kie nods, swallowing. 'We were drunk. I don't remember either', It wasn't entirely true. She remembers certain parts. Like when he was on top of her, amongst other things.

There's a knock at his door 'Rafe? Breakfast is ready', Rose chimes

'Shit!', he mutters under his breath. 'I'll be out in a minute', Rafe calls. As soon as he hears her step away, he curses. His hand comb through his hair and rest at the back of his head. I'm fucked. I'm so fucked If Dad sees me like this. To make matters worse I need to deal with a half naked pogue chained to me. This is going to get me in so much shit. Dads going to be pissed. But at least It's a hot girl, maybe It'll be worth it.

'So are you going to put some clothes on?', He says aggressively, holding his knuckles against his lips.

'No shit Rafe. Sorry I was too busy throwing up', she says gazing over him. 'are you going to put a shirt on?'

The corner of his lips draws upwards.

'Gee, get over yourself. I wasn't checking you out', She turns on her heel, blocking his reaction and instead walks over to her pile of clothes on his bedroom floor. She holds up her shredded top.

Rafe pinches the bridge of his nose, but he fails at hiding his smirk.

'Its not funny Rafe', She sighs. 'What am I going to wear now?'

'Look, thats not my problem Kie. Can't you just ... fix it', He exhales heavily and grips at his hair.

'Does it look like it can be fixed', Kie waves the remains of the top right in his face. It's nothing more than a piece of torn fabric.

Rafe shoves her hand away. 'Alight! Jesus Kie. I'll see what I've got'

He flips through his wardrobe and hands her his white button up.

Kie snatches it then traces her finger in a circle, motioning him to turn around.

Seriously. I've seen you naked already. Rafe rolls his eyes, but turns his back to her. He picks out a grey polo for himself and docks it.

He turns around, catching her at the wrong time. She's quick to cover her breasts

'Relax, I know what your tits look like'

'Perv' Kie gives him a dirty look, and turns her back to him while she puts her bra on.

'It doesn't take that long to put a shirt on Kie, shit', Rafe says in his defence.

In his view, she buttons up the blouse. Respectfully, he keeps his eyes height with hers. 'You done?', he spits in annoyance.

Kie drops her head and eyes her outfit, nodding. 'Now I am, thanks for asking', she says sarcastically.

His gaze lowers, taking her in. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. He covers his lips in his knuckles in an attempt to mute his reaction. Shes kinda sexy. The shirt falls high on her thighs, It makes for a short dress. A really short dress. In fact It looks like shes not wearing pants. The sleeves cover her hands, its obvious its too big on her. But holy shit is she sexy.

Hes eyes meet hers and he tries to play it off. He nudges his head towards the door. 'We don't have all day'

She shoots him a look that says whatever but follows him. Rafe presses his finger cooly against his lip. If they were going to do this, they aren't going to be seen. Slowly and quietly, he opens his door.

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