Chapter 22: Damn these old people

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'My grandma drives faster than this'

'Kie... you might be pregnant', He takes his eyes off the road and steals a look at her. 'Do you want me to drive fast?, cause I can show you fast', He teases the accelerator.

'No!', Kie says. It would make her plan a lot harder. 'I mean no. You're right'

'Yeah, when am I ever wrong Kie'

Kie bites down hard on her lips to stop her scoff. Right now it's best to play the docile, submissive, innocent girl. That's what's going to get her out of this. His trust. Kie pops her elbow up against the window and stares out. Where are they? There's a whole bunch of trees or rather a whole bunch of nothing. How am I going to get help in the middle of nowhere? 

Time passes by quickly as she easily gets caught up in her daydreams. But soon enough she snaps out of it and realizes they've found civilisation. The street is filled with shops, a few people walk along the street, oblivious. Its time.

Kie opens the door and throws herself out in a run. Rafe curses from afar. He'll have to take the car to the side, giving her time. The wind blows with her, helping her stride. Some of the buttons of her burrowed shirt break apart. The bottom of her white blouse flares out in the strong breeze. Panicked, Kie runs into the first shop she sees.

Kie almost runs into the counter. 'P-Please I- I need help', she says in between breaths. The elderly cashier gives her a weird look. 'The phone', Kie says quickly 'Can I borrow it?'

The old man might as well be a sloth. He bends over as slow as a snail would, holding his back. Kie steps to the side and steals a look out the door. Rafe runs with ridiculous speed. Kie steps away from sight and exhales. He doesn't know she's in here. Not yet.

Kie hesitates, she should call the police but at this point, she doesn't have the time. The old man is still bending down in search of the telephone. Kie runs to the back of the store hiding behind the shelves. She holds her breath, hoping, praying he wouldn't choose to enter this store.

The store's bell chimes. Kies heart stops. Slowly and quietly to peeks through the gap of the shelf. Rafe. Kies breath hitches in her throat, she feels like crying. No, no.

'Hey man', he says cooly 'have you seen a girl here? You know about that tall. Dark hair'

The clueless old man points his finger to the shelf, to where she used to be.

The sound of the bell rings out, exposing her. Kie sprints down the street, she runs so fast she might as well be flying. She dares a look behind her, but her lack of focus costs her. She trips over her own feet and falls. Kies quick to get up but not quick enough.

Rafe grips her wrist in a tight hold. 'Oh, I've got you now'

Rafe secures his arms around her waist and lifts her up. Kie kicks and screams not daring to give up.

'HELP! HELP!!!!', but it's a small town and there's no one to notice.

He carries her to his car and opens his boot.

'No... Rafe? No please!', she begs. But he tosses her In.

'Now you've really pissed me off'

Rafe slams the boot closed, leaving her in complete and utter darkness.


Hey siri play Fix you by Coldplay "when you try your best but you don't succeed" :(

Enjoy your day lovelys <3

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