Chapter 14: Rafes wasted

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Rafe tumbles down the basement stairs, he roughly somersaults down a few steps. The whole room spins in one big blur, his head spins dizzily to one side then the other.

'Fuckkkk', he presses a hand to his head. But then his face lights up with an idea and he slides down the rest of the stairs like a child. Thud. Thud. Thud. Rafe smiles to himself.

'Looks like someone accidentally switched our plates', she jokes.

Rafe rubs his eyes in an attempt to fix his hazy vision. There's an empty plate in front of her. He rubs his temple in confusion and squints back at the door 'Howwww? How did youuuu... it waaas lockeddd'

'Yeah, yeah Rose heard me and picked the lock', she said as if it was no big deal. 'And thank God she did cause I was staving'

Rafe grabs hold of the stair railing and hoists himself to his feet. He sways around in front of her. His hands roam and grabs fistfuls of his hair as he exhales short disordered breaths.

'Uh...what happened to your face?'. Kiara ponders but can't remember him getting hurt.

Rafe leans forward and perks his head to the side. 'W-what happened to mm-my face', he says lowly to himself. 'What happenedddd to yyyourss huh?'

Kie rolls her eyes. 'You hit me dumbass'

Rafe squints at the ceiling then nods as if remembering. He swings out a chair in front of him and saddles it, resting his sweaty hands over the chair in front of him. 'I..... I didn't waaaaant to, you knowwww. You gave me noooo choice.', his vision of her spins again, he can hear Kie scoff.

'What do you want from me Rafe? Why did you bring me here? ... why am I in your basement?'

'H-heyyy you don't g-et to ask question-ns okayyy?'

Kie rolls her eyes.

'So yooou... youuuuu and JJ huh', Rafe chuckles to himself

Kie eyes him over 'What does that have to do with any of this Rafe?...', Kiara shakes her head 'whatever, look I've gotta ... pee'

'Arghaaahh fine', Rafe stands up, all wobbly on his feet 'I'll bring a bucketttt doooown'

Kiara blinks at him slowly 'A bucket... a bucket?' Kiara eyes him in disgust 'seriously Rafe?'

Rafe runs his hands through his hair and exhales deeply. He paces around all swaying from side to side. 'That's realllllllllly not myyy problem, Okaaay?'

'God, don't be such a dick'

Rafe shoves the chair out of his way and crouches over her. 'You're a paaain in the ass you knowww that?' He undoes one of her cuffs, releasing her from the pole.

Kie flexes her wrist, she presses her lips together in a stunned expression. But just like that, shes frowning again. She knew it was too good to be true. Rafe cuffs her to him.

'There, happyyyyyy?'

Kiara stares blankly at him 'What the hell Rafe'

He leans in challengingly 'Now you can't run', He gets to his feet, forcing her to do the same.

'Great, just great. You know what, next time just bring down a collar and a leash for me'

'I'll consider it', he says with a drunken smirk

Kie rolls her eyes and walks past him, bumping into his shoulder on the way. She drags him along, tugging her arm hard to force him to keep pace. He stumbles around drunkenly.

'Fuck Kie are you trying to rip my arm off?'

She ignores him and continues to half drag his ass up the stairs. Rafe groans.

'Which way?', she asks once they've left the basement.

'Uhh.. the bathroom... right, the bathroom', Rafe takes his head into his free hand. He steps out in front of her and tugs aggressively against the cuffs. Kie curses in pain and Rafe smirks at her from over his shoulder.

They reach the bathroom and he removes his cuff, linking her to the rail next to the toilet. He stumbles like the room is some kind of boat at sea. But somehow makes his way to the door on his own. Rafe leans against it to steady himself.

'There. Okay. Nowww you've got fivvvve minutessss, okay fivvvvvve minutesss'

'Great', Kie says sarcastically, watching as he shuts the door behind him.

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