Chapter 19: Group therapy

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'So are we all just going to sit in awkward silence or...', JJ sits boredly by the edge of the boat, it's a tight space and no matter where he looks Topper and the creepy lady are in view.

'Silence sounds good to me', Pope mutters

'But I'm bored, so we're not going to do that. I'd tell you what we are going to do. Group therapy! How does that sound?'

'Sounds like shit', Pope retorts

'Welp if anyone refuses they will be thrown overboard'

'Oh yeah?', Cleo says 'by who?'


'Pttt please, I'd like to see you try', Cleo mocks

Pope chokes on a laugh. The pogues all look at him. 'What? She's right you know, have you ever seen this girl fight?'

Cleo shoots him a wink and Pope turns away, trying to hide his flushed cheeks.

'Fine, fine', JJ waves his hands around 'whatever... whoever refuses will be thrown overboard by-', JJ flicks his hand at her in showcase 'Cleo'

'The only people I'm throwing overboard is them two', she jerks her thumb at Topper and Carla.

JJ leans closer, playfully balancing on one leg. 'You can't throw a cripple overboard that's just not right', he says in a loud whisper.

'It was your idea', Cleo rolls her eyes.

JJ clears his throat. He reaches for a half-empty plastic water bottle and holds it like a microphone. 'So... who's going to start us off? No volunteers? Okay. How about we start with this young fella-', he digs his hands onto Toppers shoulders who gives him a dirty look and jerks his shoulder away. 'The guy that tried to drown my friend. Not once, not twice... well actually it was twice. Let's give it up for Toppeeerrrrr'

'I'm not playing your stupid game'

JJ turns and snaps his fingers at Cleo. She smiles and cracks her knuckles.

'Okay, okay', Topper throws his arms in the air surrderingly. 'But it's not because of her, it's because I've got nothing better to do'

'Yeah, yeah', Cleo says, adjusting to a more comfortable spot beside Pope.

JJ chucks the water bottle at him, Topper doesn't even flinch, he just catches it. But he disregards it on the seat beside him.

'Fine ... well as you all know. I've been with Sarah for about eight years', Topper separates his clasped hands and leans back against the side of the boat 'but we broke up. You know I... I thought I was going to marry her'

John B tries to hide his laugh.

Topper eyes burn sourly 'what's funny?'

JJ clears his throat, drawing the attention to himself instead. 'Anyways! Prompts? You sound like you're in need of one'

Toppers eyes roll back in a lazy groan.

'So, like... what do you do when your not chasing Sarah around?'

Topper ponders while everyone remains in silence.

After a while, JJ lets out a low whistle 'No offense, but you should probably get a life man'

John B fails to hide his laugh this time and Topper gives him a death stare. 'Don't act like you haven't done the same with your Dad. In fact, it's worse cause he's dead'

John B scrambles to his feet, Topper mimics in a challenge.

'He's not dead', Carla Limberly who appeared to be sleeping the whole journey, only now sits up.

'What?', John B says in disbelief. Everyone else follows suit in exchanges of confusion.

'Looks like you need this "therapy" bullshit more than I do', Topper mutters under his breath.

'You're lying...', John B says but he sounds uncertain

Carla gazes at him blankly. 'and why would I do that? ... Your Father told me you have something of mine. So when he finally tells me where it is, I'll expect that as payment for helping you'

'Helping him with what?', Pope inquires

'Getting your friends back', Carla says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

'Yeah, no. Look, it's cool of you to lend us the ride but we can take it from here-', JJ peers out
And spots land from afar. 'Guys look!'

Topper sighs into his palms 'finally'

Meanwhile, Carla turns to John B 'you're going to need my help. Whether you like it or not, I've got my way about these things'

'Sarah!', Topper cries, waving his hands about like a complete weirdo. But there she is, a distant figure on the shore.

John B ignores Carla and faces Sarah, as soon the boat hits shore, he jumps over the rim and hurriedly makes his way to her side.

They pull each other into a tight hug sobbing with glee.

'You're alive'

Sarah pulls away, wiping her tears 'I thought I was never going to see you again'

A heavy gust of wind picks up along the shore, blowing up sand against them. JJ rubs his eyes. 'Shit, I think I've got sand in my eye'

When JJ finally manages to half open his eyes, Pope has a poster blown right against his face. Cleo takes hold of it, scanning her eyes over it.

'What is it?'

'There's an auction, this Saturday... it's for the cross'

Pope reads it from over his shoulder, his eyes rise from it slowly. '50 Merabu north, 6pm'

'That's where they're keeping Kie', Sarah confirms.

'Dress code: cocktail', Cleo finishes.

'Great, how are we supposed to get in, I mean no offence guys but we look like hobos', John B says.

'I'll take care of it', Carla says emotionlessly.

'Aye sugar Mamma pulling through!', JJ jokes

Topper pinches the bridge of his nose.

'But they'll see us', Pope states matter of factly

JJ, who still try's to rub the sand out of his eyes has a sudden idea. A smile creeps over his face. 'Maybe, but they won't recognise us'

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