Chapter 27: Do I look like a babysitter?

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Ward slowly backs away from him, taking leave to answer the bell. Rafes gaze skims over Kie as he watched his father leave the room. But his eyes pause, doing a double-take. He squints at her.

'Are you high?'

'What? No', Kie scoffs

'Don't-', Rafes fingers fall against his temple. 'Don't lie to me Kie'

'Okay... maybe'

Rafe turns quiet, sweat begins to form at his brow. Is he hyperventilating? He steps closer, his breath coating her cheeks. Kie tries to take a step backwards but his grip tightens at her wrist, stopping her.

'Wha- what makes you think it's yours to take?', he says taps his fingers at the sides of his head. He waits for her to answer but Kie just looks at the ground.

'Get off me Rafe'

He takes her chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting her face to meet his eyes.

'Look at me!'

Kie nervously meets his gaze.

'I said', he begins, spacing out the words as if she's a child. 'What makes you think you can take my shit? ... Do I need to repeat myself-' he looks down at her wrist. I know that look. It's the kind of look where someones about to break something, on purpose.

'I couldn't stop thinking about last night okay. There, now you know. I... I needed something'

His piercing stare shifts into something less threatening. 'Don't do that again, understand?', his low voice sends a chill down her spine.

She nods quickly. Rafe lets go of her and stalks from the room. She swallows the lump in her throat and does her best to recollect herself.

After a few moments, Kie follows the muffled voices by the house entrance.

'Rafe just man up okay? I need you to do this'

Kie meets them at the door, just in time to catch Rafe giving his Father a firm nod.

'Fine', he turns his head past the open front door, facing a lady.

'Say goodbye to Mummy', the lady hums, gently bouncing a baby in her arms.

'Bye mum', a little boy hugs her waist then pulls away and runs into Rafe instead.

'Rafeeeee', the boy sings in greeting. He buries his head against Rafes leg.

'Liam', the edges of his lips pick up. 'How's things been buddy? It's been awhile hasn't it?'

The boy sings out a string of words in excitement, he ends up saying something about dinosaurs.

'Hey, I don't think we've met. I'm Valarie, Rafes aunty', the lady leans forward with a welcoming smile and pecks Kie on the cheek.

'Hi', Kie says shyly

Rafe takes it upon himself to introduce her. 'This is Kie, she's a friend... of Sarah's'

Valarie smiles invitingly. 'It's nice to meet you sweetheart', she slowly and gently presses the baby into Rafes arms. The babys blinks, her tired eyes open and she begins shrieking.

Rafe looks very uncomfortable. He shifts her awkwardly in his arms. He looks cute like this. Kie steps closer and takes the baby into her arms.

The baby instantly stops crying and closes her eyes. Once again, she's fast asleep. Drool pours from the side of her little mouth.

'She's so cute', Kie coos, unintentionally saying her thoughts out loud.

'Yeah she is isn't she. Her name's Natalie, she's almost two months old', she hands Rafe a bag. It's probably baby supplies.

'Okay, I'm ready', Wheezie says pulling up in the doorway.

'Wait so you're telling me she gets to go and not me', Rafe says sending his father a glare.

'This family meeting is very important Rafe'

'If it's so important then why aren't I going to be there?', Rafe argues.

But the stubborn look Ward has confirms he's already made up his mind.

'You know what forget it, what time are you gonna be back?'

'We'll actually-'


Ward rubs the back of his neck, he looks over to the front yawn to where everyone prepares themselves into the car. 'We should be back in time for lunch tomorrow'

Rafe throws his hands in the air. 'Whatever, come on Liam'

Liam happily complies, he jumps up and down in glee before following after him. Rafe pauses in the door frame, tossing his head over his shoulder to face Kie.

'You coming?'

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