Chapter 15: Cuffed to a psychopath

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'So.. what are you waiting for?', Kie asks, mentally preparing herself to be locked to the pole in this creepy basement once again.

'Uhhhh...', Rafe checks his pockets again 'I thinkkkkk I.. uhhhh looost it'

'Lost what?...' Kie watches him search his pockets and eyeing the floor 'Oh. Oh you've got to be kidding'

'Its nott myyyyyy fault okayy? Thossse keys were tinyyy...', Rafe tugs her over to a table covered in a dark dusty cloth. He lifts the cloth with his spare hand and chucks it to the side. Rafe grabs hold of a chainsaw, he wobbles it around dangerously. But luckily for Kiara it's not turned on, yet.

'Give me that', Kie snatches it from his loose drunken hold and mimics the way he held it over her hand.

He withdraws his hand quickly. Kie rolls her eyes. 'Not so tough now, are you?'

Rafe brushes his hand through his hair 'Fuck ooooff Kieeee'

Kie rolls her eyes 'Wish I could', she tugs at the chains as she sets the chainsaw down and instead opts for the more reasonable tool, a bolt cutter. She tries it against the chains but it doesn't even make a scatch, let alone come apart as she expected.

'Shit Rafe what's this made out of', Kie begins to panic. Being leashed to a psychopath isn't exactly something shes keen on. As a last resort she takes a handsaw into her hand and steadys it over the chain. Rafe catches on and he helps by adding his hand on top of hers. Together they saw at the chain.

'Its nooooot commmming off is ittttt?'

'yeah no shit'

Rafe curses under his breath and removes his warm hand from hers.

'Maybe Rose can help us'

'Whats she gonnaaa do huhhh?', Rafe exhales and presses his fingers against his temple. 'shes noooot hereee now'

'Great, just great', Kie sighs in defeat and leans on the table, staring at the basement wall. 'Now what?'

'I dunno...', Rafe shrugs 'but I'm kindaaa hungry'

Rafe pulls away from the table and walks dizzily up the stairs dragging her with him.

Theres a plate with a burger just plainly sitting on the kitchen counter. Kies hand is dragged up in mid-air, as he grips the burger with both his hands. He takes the worlds biggest bite, his finger curls against his lip.


Kie eyes him in digust.

'You wannt someeee?', Rafe asks holding his half-eaten burger in front of her. Kie screws up her face and waves it away with her hand.

'Eww no'

'Fine, mooore for meeee',

He takes another few bites, then pauses in-between a mouthful as if hes listening closely for something. Without warning, he hauls her from the kitchen and forces them to take cover behind a wall. Kie can hear Ward speaking on the phone, something about an auction. But instead of tuning in on the details, she's too busy wondering why Rafe is hiding from his own Father.


Rafe shoves his hand over her mouth and shoots her a look. He begins to lead her away, sneakily. His hot breath tickles her ear. 'I'm nottttt being seen with yooooou dressed like thisss'

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