Chapter 42: But he's five

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Kie scrunches her hair dry with a towel. She just got out of the shower, the strong scent of soap still lingers on her body. She changes into another set of Sarah's clothes.


Kie finishes tugging a shirt over herself then turns to face him.

'Yeah?', she says then her gaze treks to the packet of coke in his outstretched hand.

'Can you Aaa...hold onto this for me?'

Kie eyes the bag suspiciously 'why-'

'Just take it', he says forcefully.

But Kie doesn't. She's frozen with confusion.

Rafe bawls up his fist against his head then let's out a heavy exhale. 'I might have some', he sniffles and flicks his finger over his nose. 'Aaa issues controlling myself, you know.. with it'

Kies expression shifts and she nods. 'Right'

She takes it from him. Rafe stares at it hesitantly in her hold. Then he's quick to leave the room as if staying for longer would've made him change his mind.

[Rafes perspective now]

Rafe jogs down the stairs fighting the urge to go back. He's got an addiction, has had for awhile now. But things are going to change from now on.

Yeah, I'm going to get my shit together. Real tight. I'm going to get my shit together this time.

Rafe swings around pulling into the kitchen.

'Smells good', he admits 'what's for lunch?'

Rose shuts the oven and meets his gaze. She seems surprised that he asked or even gave a compliment.

'We've got a roast-'

'Kie can't eat that', Rafe blurts. He looks at all the food set out and cringes, running a hand through his hair.


'She's vegan'

Rose settles the knife over the chopping board and sighs. 'Jesus Rafe you could've told me earlier'

'Yeah I- sorry. Look can you just make sure she has something to eat'

Rose sighs but reassures him that she'll make something else for Kie. Rafe mutters a thanks.

'Rafe!', his father calls.


But there's no reply. Rafe sighs. Why do people do that shit it's so fucking annoying.

'Yeah!?', Rafe calls, this time with irritation. But when there's still no reply Rafe drops his hands to his sides and storms after his dads voice.

He ends up outside in the backyard. All his family members are sitting at a long table.

'Rafe!', one of his uncles cheer. He scoots up out of his chair and pats Rafes back whilst giving his hand a firm shake.

Rafe goes around the table of family members giving out a few hand shakes and cheek pecks. Then he finally gets around to his dad and he's about to take a seat before he stops him.

'Rafe I need you to help Liam for me'

Rafe turns to Liam 'Sure, buddy what is it?'

Liam folds his arms over his chest and whines 'but I don't want to do it'

Ward gestures at a piece of paper on the table
'Just help him with his homework-'

'Homework', Rafes brows mend together and he squints at his dad 'but he's five'

'Six', Liam corrects

Rafe sighs and grabs the paper reading through it. It's simple math equations. The basic 2+2 = ? Kinda shit.

'Alright so', Rafe begins, taking a seat beside Liam. He grabs hold of the pencil and begins at the first question.

'One plus one is two-'

'Rafe you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend-'

'Oh we're not-', Kie protests. She's standing by head of the table, swarmed completely by members of his family.

'Yeah no, we're not-'

But it was too late, his aunt and uncles are already asking her a series or questions. When did you meet? When did you get together?

Rafe walks up beside her. 'Okay, okay that's enough', he says. He manages to shut down further questions and walks them back over to their seat.

'Kieeeeee', Liam slurs excitedly, he swings his head back over the hem of his chair to face her.

'Hey Liam', she gives him a hug.

'Okay, as I was saying. One plus one equals 2'

Liam scratches his head

'Do you understand? One plus one-'

Kie nudges him aside, giving him a look.

'Here Liam give me your hand'

He holds his hand out and Kie bends all his fingers down except for one on both hands.

'Okay so you got one finger here and one there, how many fingers do you have?'


Kie praises him enthusiastically. Rafe watches as she goes through the questions with him.

Rafe finds himself smiling. For a moment he forgets. For a moment he isn't weighed down by all the shit he's done. But only for a moment.

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