Chapter 24: Not Rafe

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TW: Sexual assault

The figure emerges from the shadows. He's not Rafe. Kies heart stops, her survival instincts immediately kick in and she thrusts about with all her strength. But shes bound and useless against these ropes. 

'Whats a pretty lady like you doing out here on your own?', The man steps closer to her. Kie almost gags from the strong stench of spoilt milk and cigarettes. No doubt, coming from the mysterious stains over his once-white singlet.

'S-', Kie chokes out in fear. But she tries her hardest to sound as intimidating as she can. 'Stay away!'

The mans chapped lips pull upright as he sniggers. He reaches towards her with his finger thats coated in dried dirt. The back of his finger strokes her temple, Kie recoils from his touch.

The man grabs a handful of her hair and clicks his tongue. 'If you stop moving it will make things really nice and easy for the both of us-'

Kie slams her head against his. He frowns. Blood dribbles down his forehead. Her own vision spins as her head roars in pain. The man latches onto her, her legs stuck between his knees.

'Get off me!'

Kie tries to shake the mans dirtied hands from her shirt. He undoes her buttons slowly with a sadist look among his features.

'HELP!!!!! Help! Somebody!', She screams until her throat turns raw. Tears stream down her face.

'No ones coming to save you. Its just you and me out here'

He undoes the last button and peels the blouse from her.

'S-Stop p-please... Stop'

The man ignores her. He lets out a hefty sigh as his hand cups over her bra. Kie struggles, begging him over and over to stop.

'Shhhhh', He leans closer and kisses her. Kie bites down on his slobbery lip. He jerks away and grabs a handful of her hair, shoving her head against the tree. Kie can feel the blood trickling down her head.

'Now, lets try that again'

He leans in closer but in an instant, his body is thrown from hers.

Kie cries out in relief. She releases a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Kie watches as Rafe tackles him in the dirt. As he throws punch after punch, leaving the man in a bloodied mess.


He pauses, stands up then he faces her. He looks concerned.

'Kie?', He chokes. Is he crying?  He stalks over, quick to undo the ropes from her body. The moment Kies freed, she latches onto him. Her tears drench his polo.

'Hey. Hey', he says in a gentle voice 'I'm here now. I'm here and everything's okay'

He helps her to her feet. Kie can't help but look behind him. 

'Don't- don't look back there'

'Is he...', Kie can't finish her sentence but Rafe still manages to understand.

'Not yet'

Kie crosses her arms over her chest to cover herself, he guides her to the car. He opens the door to the passenger side, motioning her in.

'Theres a spare shirt on the dash'

Kie takes it and is quick to cover up. Rafe opens a compartment and pulls out a gun.

'Wait here'

He begins to turn away but Kie steps out in front of him. Rafe rocks his head back and forth 'Get out of my way Kie'

'Rafe. Stop. Look at me', He hesitates but eyes her. A tear rolls down his cheek but hes quick to wipe it away.

'I have to do this Kie. I have to. I have to', More tears spill from his eyes. Kie slowly wraps her arms around him and pulls him in for an embrace. His head rests buried in her shoulder. Her own tears drench his shirt.

'I-I can't just let him go Kie', he says muffledly. 'I can't I-', He sobs into her shoulder. For a while they Just stay like that until they fall apart.

'You don't need anymore blood on your hands', Kie slowly reaches for the gun and takes it from his grasp. She lowers it. Rafe rubs his wrists against his eyes. He cries out a string of curse words.

'Lets just leave, okay?'

Rafe finally gives in and nods.

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