chapter 31

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Johnny and I had spent about another hour down at the lot, just laying totgher and enjoying the nice night.

"I was helping Darry with the dishes earlier and he started going all dad on me," I started as Johnny's fingers ran through my hair.

"Really?" He giggled. "He does that to me sometimes too, really anytime he catches me alone."

"Yeah he started asking about how things were going with you and I booked it out of there as fast as I could."

He laughed at what I said, pulling me closer into his body as he did so.

"Dally does it sometimes too. Well really only like twice but still its weird because he never talks that way. I've never heard him care so much or be so invested in something ever." Johnny said, filling the silence.

It was so obvious to everyone but Johnny how much Dal cared about him. Sure, the whole gang was always there when he needed them, but Dal always went out of his way to make sure Johnny was alright. It was one of the sweetest things about him. Maybe he was an asshole half the time, but all he really wanted was for Johnny not to turn out the way he did.

"Of course." I replied back, sitting up and turning to face Johnny who was still laying against the tree. Talking about Dally and Darry reminded me that we should probably not stay out here for much longer.

"We should probably head back," I spoke again, standing up and holding out my hand to pull up Johnny. "Darry doesn't know were out and he if somehow wakes up and figures it out.."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." He said, shifting his body but not standing up. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips, looking down at him.

"You're coming with me idiot," I giggled. He shook his head and stared back at me with a straight face. I gave him a serious galre before asking one more time. "I'm not doing this again. You're coming."

I reached down and grabbed his hand, pulling it forcefully, trying to lift him up. When was he going to realize that Darry didn't care if he spent the night? Or even if he spent the whole week? Johnny was over every second of everyday, why was it that when the sun went down he all the sudden thought things were different.

"Come on!" I grunted as he laughed at me trying to pull him up. "If you don't come with me then I'm staying out here with you!" I let go of his hand, sitting back down right next to him, my arms crossed across my chest.

"Oh shut it, go back home and sleep in a real bed." He giggled, shoving me a little.

"Not until you come with me." I smirked back. "And just so you know, I was going to sleep on the couch with you."

He shifted his body slightly, opening his mouth and closing it rethinking about what he was going to say.

"Okay," He sighed. I jumped up right away with a slight grin on my face. He always gives in. "Only for tonight, then tomorrow I'm coming back out here."

"Suit yourself." I giggled. As long as he was coming back tonight, I knew I could convince him to stay again tomorrow.

I stood up and held my hand out again. This time he took it, pulling himself up. He didn't let go as we slowly made our way back to the Curtis's in silence. A good, peaceful silence.

"We can just go through the front," I started as we got closer to the house. "I left the TV on and we are sleeping on the ouch anyway."

Johnny nodded his head and squeezed my hand slightly, making me blush slightly.

I jiggled my lock into the door, pushing it slowly to not be too loud. Once we got in, I locked it back up as Johnny got water for him and I. I made my way over to the corner of the living room, grabbing a blanket for us.

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