chapter 30

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"Of course you are," Pony smirked, sitting up more, closing his book and placing it to the side of him.

"Hey don't get all mad at me now," I started, turning around to face him again. "I've spent the whole week laying around here with you."

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly has he shook his head.

"I'm not mad Race. Where are you two going anyway?"

"Just to the lot, nothing special. I just want to hang out with him for the night." I rolled my eyes, turning back to the drawer I was digging through.

"Then why does it matter what you wear?" Pony asked, honestly sounding confused.

"I mean it doesn't really matter," I began again, still ripping deeper into the drawer as I spoke. "But it's nice to look nice sometimes. Or maybe I shouldn't dress nice?"

"Oh just wear sweatpants." Pony smirked, tilting his head back slightly. "Does Darry know you're going out?"

"Of course not, not after what happened to you. He should be going to bed soon anyway since he was work so early tomorrow." I said quickly, brushing by the lazy question as I continued to scan over clothes.

"Well just don't get jumped and you should be fine." He smirked back once again.

I laughed with him for a second before I heard him reach to the side, turning off the small lamp next to him. The room dimmed slightly, but the light on the dresser helped me keep my eyes on the drawer.

I knew I didn't need to dress any decent at all, and I honestly didn't want to, so I just decided to not. I threw on sweatpants and and Soda's old t-shirt that I had to cut to fit me better. Once I grabbed a zip up sweatshirt from the other drawer, I had everything I needed.

I hope Johnny didn't expect much, because all he was really getting was me sitting in the lot with him, talking or maybe kissing. I hadn't really developed a plan, but when I was with Johnny everything seemed to work out just fine anyway.

I looked over to the clock that sat on top of the door leading into the hall. It read 9:32. I knew I had so much time to kill, and Pony didn't want to do anything because he had still been going to bed so early lately. I stood up quietly and clicked the lamp on top the dresser off, opening the door and letting myself out, trying to to wake Pony.

I walked by the kitchen, which Darry had finished cleaning up by now, and towards the living room. I plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV to whatever channel came on first.

Whatever the show was, it was definitely not my first pick, but it was good enough to keep me interested while I waited for time to pass.

I got up and got a snack about twice, glancing at the clock each time.



That was close enough to 11 for me. I kept the TV running, hoping Darry was asleep, but if he was awake he would just hear me watching it, and quietly putting on my black converse. They were gross and had a hole in the left toe, but they did the job just fine.

I shivered slightly as I closed the front door quietly behind me, stepping out into the cold air. I moved quickly past the front porch and few other houses making my way to the lot. I could here distance yelling and other loud noises, but I ignored them all.

Thats what its like living around here. You never really know what's happening, and sometimes you don't want to.

When I was close enough to the lot to see the tree Johnny and I had planned to meet at, I already saw someone lying against it. I ran a little raster, knowing it had to be him.

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