chapter 5

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I didn't want to stay on that nasty floor any longer then I needed to, so as the laughing around me settled down, I tried to get up. I realized I was still crowded by a circle of eager looking boys, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Could you fuck off already?" I yelled at them, trying to jump to my feet. To my surprise, most of the boys actually stepped away, only a few still stood over me, one of which reached out his hand to help me up, not a bad looking boy either.

I took his hand, and he gently squeezed back, helping me up as he smiled. His skin was a darker olive, with gleaming green eyes to complement it. His smile was almost as perfect as Sodas, but the way his face rested reminded me of Johnny.

I could tell he was a soc just by the way he dressed, in his nice button up and khakis. My mind wondered what he was doing here, at a mainly greaser filled bar.

"Damn, I haven't seen a girl here yet who would talk to a bunch of drunk boys like that." He laughed. God, even his laugh was beautiful.

"Well I don't take things like that anymore." I giggled back, letting go of his hand. "Thank you by the way."

"Of course, least I could do for a pretty girl like you," He started as I blushed. "Whats you're name?"

I got lost in his eyes for a few seconds, before I realized I was most likely staring for to long. "Racer Creevy, but my friends all me Race. What about yours?"

"Liam Ruffel," the pretty boy said back sweetly. "Well want to grab shots Race?" I nodded my head as we made our way to the bar side by side.

"Four shots please," Liam said as he looked towards me to see if that was okay. I nodded my head as I reached for my pocket to grab some money to pay, but he took my wrist in the process. "Don't worry I got it."

"Thank you." I smiled as I brushed some of my hair behind my ear, looking up at Liam. The whole gang was taller then me, but Liam had to be taller, or at least it seemed as of now.

When the man behind the bar finally brought out our shots, which took longer then expected, we clinked the mini glasses as we took the first one down. I saw his face go sour, while mine reminded straight.

"You must not do this often." I giggled. He looked at me all funny, before taking he next one down with a forced straight face.

"This is one of the first times I've taking shots actually." His face returned to its sour state, clearly it was.

I took down my second, well really fourth shot, and started to feel a little lighter. I didn't want to appear weak to anyone else tonight after crying in front the gang, so I ordered myself a beer. After all, I deserved a little something extra on this shitty night.

Pretty boy never ordered anything else to drink the rest of the night, which probably made me look like a mini alcoholic, but I just kept wanted more. Even though he didn't drink more, he stayed with me at the bar as we chatted, and danced a bit to the music.

After 8 shots, and 3 beers, I think I was finally done. My vision was all blurry and my head was pounding with a whole different kind of pain. For some reason Liam was still next to me at the bar small talking with me.

"So are you going to make out with me or not?" I said, my words all slurred. He looked at me like I crazy and it took me a minute before I realized why. There was no way I just said that out loud.

"Oh my God, I didn't, that was so, I'm so sor-" I frantically started but I was cut off my his lips meeting mine. His lips started slow, like all bar kisses do, but escalated quickly.

*tw - sa*

Soon enough his tounge slipped into my mouth, when I realized we were still in he middle of the bar. I know I hated seeing people make out in public, so why was I doing the same thing? I slowly backed away from Liams lips, but he kept pressing on.

forelsket | johnny cadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora