chapter 14

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"Yes but egg's are ten times better with cheese and bacon, then you get everything at once." I said as Pony, Johnny, and I walked up to the front of school on yet another boring Friday morning. Today's discussion had been about what we had for breakfast, but it became a debate on how to eat eggs.

"I've only really eaten eggs plain like Pony, but Race's way sounds fine too." Johnny said. Pony rolled his eyes, pushing back his hair.

"When we go back for lunch today I'll make you both some." I giggled back at him.

"I'm not coming to lunch today remember," Pony started. "I have to help a few kids in my english class with their essays from last week."

"Ponyboy Curtis. Always doing the most. I'll make them for Johnny anyway then he'll agree my way is better." I giggled back. Johnny's mouth shifted into a smiled as he waved goodbye to Pony and started to head to first period.

"Johnny will always think your way is better. Don't have to much fun at lunch with just you two in the house. All by yourselves, no one to bother.." Pony smirked as I started to follow Johnny. I lightly punched him in the shoulder and laughed before fully walking away.

"At least I'm not stuck helping kids older then me finish last weeks busy work!" I called back to him as I caught up to Johnny. I could see Pony flip me off in the distance which I returned with a wink before turning to face Johnny again. We walked to first period together in comfortable silence, but when we got to the class room someone was in my seat.

"Hi, um thats my-" I started but the boy in front of me stood up quickly and cut me off.

"I'm sorry. It's my first day here and I don't know what seats are taken." He said. He spoke with a sort of fear in his voice, and you could tell he was quite anxious. Another thing you could tell just by looking at him, he was a soc weather he knew it or not.

"Well the one right there is open," I said as I took the seat he had gotten up from and pointed to the one to my left.

"Thank you. I'm Micheal by the way, but my old friends called me Mike so feel free to do that." The sweet boy said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I smiled at him and took it, introducing myself as I did.

"I'm Racer, but call me Race. I guess you're new to the area?" I said, letting go of his hand once I finished talking.

"Yeah, I'm here from New York. Your name is really pretty by the way, out of all the people I met in the city not one of them was a Racer." He answered back. I blushed slightly because of his complement. Brushing my hair behind my ear, I mumbled a thank you before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Johnny, looking slightly pissed off.

"Are you okay?" I quickly said, studying his face. He paused for an awkward moment before he answered.

"Yeah I just need a pencil." He said, letting out a deep breathe he was holding in. I gave him one and he smiled, turning back to the front of the class, but he looked down at the pencil I had handed him instead of the front of the room.

Something had changed with him since this morning I just couldn't set my heart on what it was. Whatever it happened to be, I would have to talk to him about it later because I felt another tap on my other shoulder. This time it was Micheal again.

"What is your schedule like? Maybe we share another class or two." He asked eagerly. He seemed as if he really wanted to know, so I took his from his hand and compared it with my own from my head.

"Wow," I started as I handed back the paper. "Looks like we share all but one."

Micheal's eyes widened as I finished my sentence. He seemed like a pretty nice kid, even for the soc he was bound to be. Maybe we could have a shot at being friends. After all we were spending over half our days together from now on with all the classes we shared.

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