chapter 20

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"I know every greaser girl in Tulsa, not one of them would suit Darry. Just tell us Soda is she a soc or not?" I said while taking a sip from my Pepsi.

"She's right, only a few of them are even his age." Pony added from across the table. I sat next to Johnny in the booth across from him and Soda. I shrugged my shoulders and smirked.

"Okay maybe she's a soc. You've had your fair share of socs yourself Race." Soda fired back as he laughed. My face grew slightly red, but I pushed it off.

"I've never dated one though, there all assholes." I shot back defensively, tensing up. Johnny put his hand on my leg gently, helping calm me slightly.

"Oh yeah but good in bed I bet." Soda smirked again. I could tell now he was just pushing to make me more angry, and it was working.

My hand slammed on the table decently loud but quiet enough so not many people around heard.

"I haven't slept with one of them! Unlike you, before Sandy you probably got with a new girl each weekend." I said, relaxing slightly.  A satisfied grin slide across my face, showing I was proud of what I said.

Soda shook his head slightly and laughed under his breath. "Virgin ass."

"Don't talk about her like that." Johnny said back demandingly. After he spoke his body froze. Soda sat up slightly, his own grin taking over his face.

"I didn't mean to piss off your boyfriend Race." He laughed. Pony giggled with him, but shut up quickly when I glared at him.

Johnny and I's faces lit up red as we shifted uncomfortably in our booth seat, his hand sliding off my leg in the process. I shook my head quickly, trying my best to stay focused.

"Oh shut up all of you." I started as I thought of something to change the topic to. "Beside her being a soc, what's this girl Darrys going out with like?"

"I haven't met her, just saw her once. She's decently pretty, dresses nice." Soda said, poking his straw at his now empty cup.

"Why thank you very detailed," I giggled rolling my eyes. Before Soda could say something back the waitress walked over to our table.

"What would y'all like to eat?" She asked, sounded pissed. Everyone listed off what they wanted and she scribbled it down while smacking her gum between her teeth loudly.

"I'll have a burger please, with fries on the side thanks." I said, glancing up from the table slightly only to see her raising her eyebrows.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, pushing up against Johnny to get closer to her.

"No," She laughed. "Just thought you would want something a little lighter. A salad maybe."

I froze at her words, taking in what she really meant. I rolled my eyes in disgust and glared back at her.

"You can double the fries on that please." I snarled, shoving the menu towards her, leaving back into the corner of the booth.

I shrugged my shoulders and as she walked away the table fell quiet. I looked up to see everyone looking wide eyed right at me.

"What?" I said, leaning into my hand I placed on the table.

"She shouldn't have said that to you." Pony said through his teeth, watching the waitress pass by.

"It's really not that big a deal-" I stated but they all cut me off at the same time.


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