chapter 6

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"I don't got all day sweetheart." Dally said shoving me towards the door. I glared at him before taking another step forward, swallowing hard, and opening the door.

I was not surprised when I saw Darry sitting right by the door as I stepped in, an angry look on his face. Pony and Soda were in the kitchen behind him, their conversation falling silent when I walked in. I couldn't see Johnny, Two, or Steve anywhere so I assumed they weren't here.

"Care to explain." Darry sternly said. His eyes raged with fire, and man it scared me. I didn't know how much the gang had told him about the night before, or what Dally had said about Bucks, which didn't help me think of anything to say. At first I wanted to lie, make up some stupid excuse for being out, but her more I thought about it I knew it would be better to just be honest.

I explained most of the situation, but left out a few things. Okay, maybe more then a few. How could I tell him I was blackout drunk, got taken advantage of, and all of it being done by a soc? I figured I just couldn't.

"First off, sneaking out just wasn't right Racer. What if you got jumped or something!" Darry started as he stood up and aggressively pushed his hair back with both of his hands. I knew he just cared about me, but man he could be scary.

"We are here to talk to you, we all care." Darry finished and relaxed slightly. I nodded my head at him to show I understood.

"Why out of all places did you go to Bucks? Bucks? Really?" Soda said from behind him. I thought a bit before my response. I could say I went to see Dally, but that wouldn't be believable. Him and I are close like I am with the whole gang, but we don't hang out alone. Once again I knew I had to tell the truth. At least a little bit.

"To get a drink." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. It came out as more of a question then I intended, but I was more worried about Darry's fists tensing up again. "Just one, just one I swear."

"Just one I swear!" Dally laughed from the door as he lit a weed. I rolled my eyes in frustration. Did he really have to say something?

"Okay fine I had a few! I've gotten drunk before whats the big deal!" At this point I was angry. If Dally said one more thing, anything about last night, I would just kill him. Right here, right now. To my surprise, he just laughed again.

"But we were there with you!" Darry yelled. I knew he thought the only times I was getting drunk was when I was with the gang, and I didn't want to change that. "I lost my parents too Racer! Do you see me drinking my problems away?"

That was my final straw.

"We are not the same person Darry!" I started, now matching his tone. I was mad and I wanted him to know it. "I handle things different then you! I'm sixteen! I can take care of my damn self!" When I was finally done yelling, I stormed off to my room, sure to slam the door extra loud.

I wasn't going to cry, I wasn't going to start throwing stuff, I just wanted space. I knew Darry was only rough because he cared about me, but it honestly didn't seem like it. Maybe I had it all wrong. Maybe he really didn't care at all. Not one bit.

I reached for some of Pony's books at the end of the bed. I never really read before my parents died. Now I only did it as a distraction, something to take my mind off everything. My mom loved to read, Pony says I get it from her.

I grabbed Pony's favorite off the top of the pile, Gone With The Wind. I never picked it up before because it didn't seem like something I would like, but Pony always raved about it. I opened up to the first page, and as I started reading, the bedroom door opened.

"Finally picked it up huh?" I heard Pony's voice say. I looked at him with a confused look. "Gone With The Wind, you finally started to read it."

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