chapter 24

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"Hey." Johnny whispered in the middle of our first period class. I tilted my head toward him slightly, but kept my eyes on the front of the class.

It wasn't that I was paying attention, but I had to at least seem like it. Detention really isn't fun, and definitely not what I want to be doing today.

"I'm bored." He giggled, tugging on a strand of my hair lightly.

"Oh come on we have a free period next, just sit still for 10 more minutes." I softly spoke back, keep my voice down and my eyes forward.

I could feel Johnny roll his eyes as he let go of my hair, sitting back into his seat loudly, crossing his arms real tight.

Mrs.Danble rambled on and on about whatever the hell she was talking about. Maybe it was science or even math, how would I know? I forced my eyes opened with my own two fingers, praying that I wouldn't fall asleep.

Last night had been a riot. The whole gang finding out about Johnny and I at once was one real big kaboom. Sure, it was great to have it all off my chest, but things weren't all that amazing.

The gang took it fine, maybe a little better then fine. Everyone was so interested with the idea that my first boyfriend was Johnny.

Soda and Steve got a real kick out of it. They wouldn't stop crushing me with questions about every aspect of Johnny and I's relationship.

"Is he a good kisser?" "Is he all he says he is?" "How far have you guys gone?"

It was sort of weird, almost gross that they were so invested. I mean, they had been waiting for us to get together forever at this point, but still.

Then Darry. After our whole, talk, he had settled down. I could tell he was towering over me any and every time I would get close to Johnny. It's already annoying as hell, and I'll probably have to deal with it for a while.

What would he do if he saw us hugging even? Or worse, making out? I didn't even want to think about how that would go down.

Two was also asking me questions with Soda and Steve, but Dally could have cared less. Him and Pony just sat and ate their food. They laughed at a few jokes and questions other people had asked me, but overall they were pretty quiet. I guess the news they had already known was boring to them at this point even though everyone else was obsessing over it.

Johnny and I had stayed up almost all night, just talking and laughing with the whole gang. The first half of the night was spent talking about us, but the other half was just as it always was.

Those nights were my favorite, even if it meant I would be falling asleep in class the next day.

Johnny's chair slamming into his desk next to me snapped me back into reality. I saw him stand up and quickly move towards the door, looking at me one more time before making his way out.

"Back to the lesson," Mrs.Danble started again, but I cut over her with my hand.

She rolled her eyes, placing her pen behind her ear, speaking up shortly after. "Yes, Racer?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I stuttered as I lowered my hand. Mrs.Danble rolled her eyes, grabbing the pen from behind her ear and clicked it a few times.

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