chapter 15

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I have a tendency to make stupid decisions when I'm mad.

First grade. I traded my favorite stuffed bear, Bunny, for piece of gum.

Fifth Grade. Skipped the most important test of the year and barley made it into middle school.

Seventh Grade. Thought it would be smart to fool around with fire. Not my best move.

Now i'm here.Walking away from the boy I like, towards the guy I knew he was mad about me talking to.

"Hey Micheal!" I shouted across the field to grab his attention. Once I made it a little closer, I explained why I was there. "Turns out I didn't have anything to do, so I'm here now."

"Great! Want to find a spot at those tables over there?" He asked, looking happy to see me again. I nodded my head as we headed towards the tables by the back of the school.

We sat down for a few minutes while he unpacked his lunch from a neat little bag. He had plenty of snacks and a sandwich while I just had a piece of gum from the bottom of my bag since I had planned on eating at home.

"Where's your food?" Micheal said in a bit more of a serious tone after taking a bite of his sandwich. I shrugged my shoulders before saying anything.

"I usually go home for lunch so I don't have anything." I said back honestly. I wasn't being as jolly as I was in the morning and I knew he could tell but he didn't want to say anything. My head was full of regret.

I regretted everything I had said to Johnny, and more importantly, I regretted not following him to apologize more. I thought for a moment before starting to get up, I needed to get to him. As I stood up, my hand was gently grabbed which jerked me back down.

"Where are you going?" He asked again in a weird tone. I tried to pull my hand away, but he wouldn't let go. I looked around to try and find anyone that was seeing this, but no one cared. It was just another soc and grease thing, which everyone ignored by now.

"My mom she-" I started to lie back but I was cut off by a voice behind me.

"Let go of her asshole." Pony said, taking my arm and pulling it away. I jumped back a bit away from Micheal before cutting in again.

"Pony he was just asking me why I was leaving he's-"

"How many times have I told you if you stay away from the socs they won't touch you. Aren't you supposed to be with Johnny anyway?" Once again Pony angrily cut me off mid sentence. Micheal stared at us both with a confused expression plastered over his face.

"Soc?" He questioned to me. Pony started to open his mouth as he rolled his eyes, but I grabbed his hand and talked first.

"He's new Pony! He's new!" I yelled lightly. "And Johnny ran off with Two I said something that I shouldn't have and-"

"Let me get with right," Pony started, ripping his hand away from mine. "You fought with Johnny and decided hanging with this new soc would be the best option? You are strange Race,really strange."

Pony grabbed my arm again and pulled me away from Micheal before I could even say goodbye. Next thing I new we were heading back down the street on out way to the house.

"Pony you didn't have to go all psycho on him. Micheals a nice kid-" I said as we made our way down the messy rode.

"Yeah but you're with Johnny remember? We don't have time for nice socs this ain't the bar." Pony said back, keeping his eyes forward. For being fourteen, this kid had a lot of nerve, and surprising a lot of knowledge.

forelsket | johnny cadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora