chapter 13

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Before he could yell I passed by him swiftly, taking off to my room. Tonight had been a good night, and I wasn't going to have him ruin it. I could hear him starting to yell my name, but I kept walking forward until I made it to the door of my room.

As soon as I had entered and shut the door, I flopped onto my bed, kicking off my shoes and throwing them at the window. I wanted to be spending the rest of my night with Johnnycakes, under the stars in his arms, but I was here.

I knew it was the right thing to do. As much as Darry pissed me off with all his yelling, I knew he was just scared and wanted to make sure I was okay. I tried not to be to much of a hassle for him, after all we weren't even related.

At the end of the day I was just another kid he had to worry about, weather I wanted to accept it or not.

I shifted myself under the covers, flipping my pillow to ensure it was cold before laying my head onto it. I had no idea what time it was, but I knew I would be tried for class tomorrow.

a week later

"Stop it Johnny! Get off me!" I gigged as he ticked me till I couldn't breathe. I tried to tickle him back, but being below him made it hard to move.

The past week had been one of the best of my life. Johnny and I got to spend plenty of alone time together, sometimes just laughing, other times making out.

We still never labeled ourselves as dating simply because we weren't. We were just friends. Friends who kissed, cuddled, and friends who knew how they really felt about each other.

I enjoyed every minute of it. I was still hesitant about telling the gang, so we agreed to keep what we had a secret. I didn't want a full don't do this, you can't hang out alone, be back by 7 talk from Darry, and Steve and Soda's jokes about us were bad enough as it is.

Of course Pony had already found out about us from Johnny telling him about our first kiss, but he kept his mouth shut. Sometimes he jumped in on the gangs jokes about Johnny and I a little more then usual, but he knew how to stay quiet when he needed to.

"Johnny get off of her," Darry yelled from the kitchen. Johnny looked at me and winked before he finally took his hands off my stomach and stopped the tickling.

"He was just tickling me Darry. Relax a bit!" I giggled to him from the living room.

"Yeah, yeah but I don't need anymore then that happening under my roof." He spoke back. I could have swore I heard him laugh a little as he talked. If he was mad at Johnny for tickling me, imagine what he would say about Johnny kissing me. Yeah, no.

"Whats happening out here." I heard Soda call from down the hall. Soon enough there he was, walking out into the living room in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He made his way over to the living room where Johnny and I were, sitting on the couch next to me.

I took a deep breathe in, and moved my eyes from Soda to Johnny who was glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to the t.v which was playing Mickey. I loved seeing Johnny jealous, it was the cutest thing, and it happened quite often.

Anytime I would even look at any other guy in public, or talk to a kid in my class, Johnny got pissed. I guess I would feel the same way if I saw him talking to another girl, but he never really did.

"Dinner's almost ready thats for one thing." Darry called from the kitchen. "Racer can you get Pony for me, and Soda put on some pants. Johnny are you eating here tonight?"

"I haven't been to my parents in a while, so I should probably head there tonight. Thanks though." Johnny repiled back as he started to stand up and head for the door. I got up with him, beating him there.

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