chapter 28

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"The kids awake." Dally laughed from the doorway. I turned my head to see Ponyboy sitting up slowly, laughing slightly himself.

"Pony!" Johnny giggled, climbing over me to give him a hug. Darry rushed over, and picked Johnny off the bed quickly, placing him down next to him.

"Don't crush him," he started, turning his attention back to Pony. "Are you okay? Do you remeber anything?"

"I think I hit one of them," Pony started wearily as he rubbed his eyes. "Or maybe one of them hit me."

Darry placed his hand over Pony's forehead, his expression quickly changing from worried to terrified.

"Shit," Darry said as he turned to Soda behind him. "He's burning up, go grab him some water or something!"

"I'm fine," Pony slurred, pushing Darry's hand off his head. Darry raised his eyebrows, now bringing his hands to the back of his head, taking a step away.

"Fine? Clearly you're not! This wouldn't have even happened if I didn't let you guys go see that-" Darry spat eagerly. He started tapping his foot quietly before taking a deep breathe and another step towards Pony again, when Two cut him off.

"Relax Dar, we all get into fights all the time he'll be fine." He said, moving forward and placing a hand on Darry's shoulder.

As Soda walked back in with a cold class of water in his hand, Darry spoke again.

"Yeah but none of you have ever looked like this! He's 14! I mean look at him he's clearly not built for any type of fight yet!"

"It's his first one! Stop shamming him and give him some water." Two shot back, turning his head over to Soda who sat in the doorway.

"Racer never looked like this!" Darry said back, almost yelling now as he quickly ripped the glass out of Sodas hands, giving it to Ponyboy.

"She looked plenty awful after her first fight! Obviously she wasn't as bad, she was fighting a bunch of girls." Dally laughed from the corner of the room.

Darry growled slightly in frustration, watching Pony chug down the water quickly.

My first fight, I remember that quite well.

Cherry and those other socs bitches. There was barley a reason for anything, but of course there's always something that happens. What Darry still doesn't know, is that I threw the first punch.

"I'm worried about Pony at the-" Darry started furiously before he was cut off by Pony.

I turned towards him, only to see his head hanging over the bed, and the awful sound of him gagging.

He coughed a few times before throwing up again, then slumping back down into the bed as I threw the sheets off me and jumped up quickly.

"Shit," Soda started while he cut across the room over to Pony, picking him off the ground quickly. He shook him softly, while carrying him out of the room.

"Is he out again?" Johnny asked, grabbing my hand from my side.

Instead of answering, I pulled him with me out the bedroom door, Darry charging in front of us.

"I'm fine really, really I just threw up it doesn't matter," I heard Pony mumble from the bathroom.

Darry rushed in before us, pushing Soda aside, laying his hand on Pony's head.

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