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"Why are you crying, Beautiful?" I cup her face and wipe her tears with the pads of my thumbs.

"B-because y-your leaving. What am I gonna d-do without y-you?" She cries as wraps her arms around my waist and buries her face on my chest.

I sigh and pull her in closer, savoring the feeling of her in my arms, taking in a deep breath trying to commit her floral smell to my memory, my hand glides up and down her back trying to comfort her and myself.

When I was accepted to study abroad on a full scholarship, I couldn't turn down the opportunity. My parents couldn't afford to pay tuition and this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The only downfall is I would have to be away from Aviva...

We had been friends all throughout high school, she was such a bright and determined girl, never having a problem making friends or fitting in. And for some reason, she had decided I was worth being friends with. I was a shy quiet kid, starting high school without any friends because of my family's recent move, but she showed up like a fresh breath of air and inhaled it not willing to breathe her out.

We joined the student council together followed by drama club, anything and everything we could do together we did. She had taken over almost my whole life, I joined soccer because she mentioned she liked the sport, and I met Jungkook. He soon joined our twosome and we became a threesome. We were always together but her relationship with him was different than with me she treated him just like an annoying little brother and often teased him for being a baby, but it was never like that with us.

Before I knew it, I had fallen in love with her. But I never told her, I wanted to be set, I wanted to be able to offer her everything she wanted and deserved. And now I was leaving about to get on a plane to leave her for the next few years.

"I'll only be a phone call away Viv. And we can Skype and text all the time, and we will see each other when I come home for the holidays," I say trying to convince her and myself nothing will be different.

"Do you promise?" she pulls away from me holding up her small pinkie.

"I promise," I link my pinkie with hers and we press our thumbs together sealing our deal.

The boarding for my flight is announced and we share a sad smile. I press a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too Jiminie," her arms wrap around my neck and she holds me tightly.

"I'll make sure she stays out of trouble!" Kookie says as he pulls her from me.

I nod and we high five as we say goodbye, my parents engulf me in their arms, my mom reminding me embarrassingly to change my underwear every day and to make sure I meet a nice girl. I groan and my dad comes to the rescue wishing me luck and takes my mom who is bawling. I turn around one last time and wave to the girl that holds my heart.

I'll be back for you...


Jiminie 🐣💙:

I know you're probably dead to the world right now!

But just wanted to say I made it safe

I miss you

Call me when you wake up I'm about to go meet my roommate

I lock my phone and tuck it back into my pocket, as I make my way down the hallway looking for my room. When I finally find it I punch in the code given to me and step inside. One-half of the room is already decorated with an emerald green comforter, and sketches are posted up all over his wall already.

He's got real talent!

I look at all the different sketches pinned up and he's got scenery, that are so vivid I could almost smell the pine trees that are drawn on them. He's got a beautiful portrait of an elderly couple and you can just see the love in their eyes.

The door opens behind me and a tall guy walks into the room, he's wearing a black and white hoodie with some black sweats, his blonde wavy hair partially covering his brown eyes, and a large boxy smile on his face.

"Hey man, you must be Jimin! I'm Taehyung your roommate," he extends his hand out to me and I reach out to shake it.

"Hey, nice to meet you Taehyung,"

We spend the next few hours unpacking my stuff, I find out he's an art major and actually is from the same town as me. He doesn't have a girlfriend because he's here to enjoy his college life, he's too young for love and all that "jazz" as he says.

"What about you Jimin you got a girlfriend?" he asks

"Umm no, but there is someone waiting at home for me," I say nervously.

"How lame! Does that mean I can't count on you to wingman with me tonight?" he groans as he lays back on his bed.

"Ahaha I can go out, I just don't need to hook up," I say and hear him scoff.

"Whatever you say, man. Bu-"

He gets cut off when my phone starts ringing and I see Viv's name on my screen. I can't stop the smile that takes over and Taehyung rolls his eyes at me.

"Say hi to your girlfriend for me," he yells as I quickly exit the room.

"Jiminie!" She squeals as I answer the phone.

"Hey, beautiful!" I wave as her face pops up on my phone.

"Me too!" Kookie says as he squishes his face next to Viv's

"Hey Kookie," I laugh as they start to push each other out of the screen.

"HE WANTED TO TALK TO ME NOT YOU KOOKIE!" She yells as she pushes him with all her strength and the phone falls to the ground.

I can hear Kookie whining in the background as she picks up the phone and quickly tucks her hair behind her ears out of her face.

"Jiminie I miss you so much already! Kookie is sooo boring," She pouts and Kookie stands behind her frowning.

"You will be alright Viv I'll be home in a few months!" I say and watch as she's smiles.

"I can't wait! Tell me about your roommate!" She says excitedly.

I tell them all about Taehyung and how we are going out tonight, they both tell me to be safe and have fun, the call ends quickly after since both Kookie and Viv have to get to their orientation.

When I get back into the room Taehyung has already changed into some black slacks and a black button-up, already pregaming. I change and take a few shots with him before we head out for the night.


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