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Author's Note: This idea was given to me by @noirewrites_ THANKS FOR THE IDEA, LOVE!

Neil Perry=
-He saw you struggling and sort of saw the color leaving your face. He prepared himself to catch you just in case you ended up passing out. Of course, you did. He put his arms out and you landed right in them. He slowly lowered you to the ground
-He started removing all of your extra accessories that might've helped you faint. The hair ties on your wrist, your rings, your tight shoes and socks, your, and your sweater
-He kept talking to you as he nursed you back to health, making sure you knew you were alert and okay, not dead

Todd Anderson=
-He stopped you from fainting before you were completely non-conscious. He saw your eyes rolling back and your skin getting pale. He laid you down on the ground and got you a drink. He iced your head with a cool compress and kept asking you math questions to make sure you were alert enough that he didn't have to get the school nurse
-The situation actually sort of scarred him. In the moment, he was just worried about you being okay, so it didn't bother him. But afterward, the thought of you fainting when he wasn't around never left his mind
-Because of his worrying, he always made sure you were fully hydrated and well fed. That helped him relax a bit. But he never did forget that day

Knox Overstreet=
-He didn't notice you had fainted until he heard you collapse on the ground. He just stood over
you, confused, tapping you with his foot. When he saw you weren't moving, he got ready to do CPR, till he saw you were breathing
-He picked you up and brought you to the nurse, not sure what he should do. The nurse took over the ropes and did their job, helping you regain consciousness. Knox didn't leave your side till the nurse permitted you to leave her office
-He held your hand the entire time, told you funny stories to help you relax, and complimented you. "Even when you're as pale as paper... you manage to remain beautiful."

Charlie Dalton=
-"Oh shit- code red, man down." That was Charlie's audible reaction to you passing out. He dropped down at your side and elevated your legs, then laid you flat on your back. The first person he turned to was Meeks. Meeks gave everyone jobs. He personally began checking to see if you were breathing, and you were. He sent Pitts to get the nurse. He sent everyone else to get food and drinks for when you wake up
-Charlie just waited for the nurse to arrive, sitting beside you. He removed any restricting clothing and ran his fingers through your hair, talking to your unconscious body, wondering if by some miracle you could hear him
-One the nurse arrived, you actually woke right up. Charlie held you in his arms and forced you to drink and eat stuff, wanting to prevent that from ever happening again. He kept kissing you and telling you how much he loved you. The next day though, he wouldn't stop making fun of the fact you fainted. It was his way of getting over how scary it was

Steven Meeks=
-You never became unconscious because he saw the wanting signs that you were going to faint. He picked you up and laid you down in an open space, elevating your legs. He knew all the procedures to keep you from passing out
-You two sat for an hour, until you felt better. You kept apologizing for making him miss classes and almost fainting. He kept kissing you and holding you lightly, and saying, "I'm just happy you're okay."
-He spent the entire night with you, wanting to make sure you wouldn't come close to fainting again. You didn't. Your blood sugar was just low the first time the signs occurred. But you didn't mind the fact he was staying close to you and not leaving you. It was a good excuse to get him to spend the night with you

Gerard Pitts=
-At first, he kept trying to wake you up. He thought you were joking around with him. But you obviously weren't. So he picked you up and bolted to see Meeks, thinking Meeks would know what to do
-Of course, Meeks did. Once Meeks did all the proper procedures, the two just waited for you to wake up. You did not too long after. The first thing Pitts said to you was, "Good morning, sunshine." trying to make a joke and lighten the mood. You did end up laughing but you were still scared of what had just happened to you
-Pitts saw you were nervous. Because of that, he spent the rest of the day reading to you and making you feel completely safe. He made you food and made sure you were drinking the proper drinks to help you say alert and awake

Richard Cameron=
-Just like Todd and Meeks, you never fully passed out. You told Cameron you didn't feel good and that you felt dizzy so he took you to his dorm, gave you a change of his pajamas, and then spent the day being your caretaker
-He got you food and drinks and played you records. He mostly just kept you company and kept your mind off of how sick you felt not too long before
-He did your homework for you, not wanting you to worry about having to do it when you fort better. He took care of all of your priorities and made sure you didn't stress out about anything, not wanting to worsen your fainting spell

Chris Noel=
-She treated you just like Todd, Meeks, and Cameron did :)

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