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Neil Perry=

-With a gift

-He'd buy you a bracelet, a necklace, a certain little something to present to you when he popped the question

-He'd ask you when you were with Charlie or Meeks, just so he had moral support and wasn't at jeopardy of being turned down too roughly. He'd tap your shoulder and have the bag or box open with the gift inside it. He'd confidently ask with a somber smile, 'Will you be my date to the dance, (Y/N)?' Once you agreed, he'd pull you into a BONE crushing hug and put the piece of jewelry on you. Such a gentleman!

Todd Anderson=

-A cute rhyming poem

-He'd do it after all of your classes were done. He'd meet you in your dorm room and say he has something to read it you. You'd turn all of your attention to him and he would read. He'd read terrified, stuttering, sweating, looking like he was going to soil himself

-He'd eventually get through the poem and the final line of the poem would be 'Would you, you the thee, attend the upcoming dance with me, making me turn into we?' Although the final stanza sounded a little silly, you were flattered and jaw dropped with a smile. He'd get all flustered, calling his idea dumb, calling himself stupid, telling you that you didn't HAVE to go with him. 'But Todd, I WANT to go with you!' Once you interrupted him with that, he'd sigh of relief and fall on your bed, holding his forehead. 'Thank heavens.' He'd mumble, out of breath

Knox Overstreet=

-He'd plan it WEEKS in advance. He'd have this brilliant idea concerning your textbooks. So, he stole your history book one night when you weren't looking. The next day you were frantic, asking ANYONE who you encountered if they'd seen it. They'd all say no

-Knox would've wrote a little note. The note would've stated, 'Let's make history together. Join me as my date to the dance? -Knox Overstreet'. When you were frantically searching, he would've placed the book back on your desk with the note sticking out of the bottom almost like a bookmark

-When you ran to your room, borderline tears because you lost your expensive book and you'd be in serious trouble, there it was. The book you almost murdered your well being over. You scoffed in relief and disbelief. Was it there the entire time? You then noticed the bookmark hanging from it. You plopped open the book, reading the note, then yawping in excitement. Knox would've been waiting right in the doorway to see your reaction, then to only pull you into a hug and kiss your cheeks, competing with your excitement

Charlie Dalton=

-Charlie Charlie Charlie... the big man himself, would of course, make a big production out of asking you. Actually I lied. He'd make a MASSIVE production

-He'd want to do it when you'd least expect it. The only place he could think of would be gym class. You had the same gym period but he cut to prepare his surprise. You didn't question why he wasn't there. You just went on talking to Neil and Pitts, barely even worrying about where Charlie was

-As you and the boys stretched outside on the grass... a voice echoed over the school loudspeakers. Someone singing. Singing beautifully. Singing to someone. Singing to you! You just wondered why he was doing this production. Singing to you, running across the soccer field with the microphone in his hand, knowing he would get in trouble and get MULTIPLE demerits on his record... most of all, embarrassing himself. All of the poets and you laughed at him, cheering him on as he ran all around, jumping, screaming. You were shocked by how good he sounded

-After being tackled by a school teacher and then dragged to Nolan's office to be disciplined, you caught up with Charlie later. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? It was amazing, stupid, but amazing Charlie." You confessed to him as he limped, his ass being sore from being hit with Nolan's disciplinary tool. He then stopped, holding onto a wall, and looked deep into your eyes. "That was my way of asking you to the dance..." He said with anticipation and almost regret in his voice. You laughed hysterically then leaped into his arms that thankfully caught you. "OH MY GOSH YES!" You screamed as you two spun in a hug

Steven Meeks=

-ALL of the Dead Poets would be with him when he asked. He'd be terrified to ask you. He didn't like being turned down

-You always sat with them at dinner so you thought it was weird when none of them were there on time. That's when they all walked in, surrounding Meeks who had a cute little ladybug stuffed animal. You laughed as they got closer. That's when you saw how pale Meeks was and how all of the guys smiled at him in anticipation. You stood up, going to comfort him. Then he exclaimed with passion, "(Y/N)willyoupleasebemydatetothedance?" Everyone froze. He then extended the ladybug to you, almost like an awkward piece offering. You blushed and took it, hugging him and kissing his rosy cheek. "Of course I will, Meeks."

-He would sigh of relief and hug you back, then holding your hand and sitting super close to you at dinner, totally proud of himself

Gerard Pitts=

-He'd just ask

-You two would be studying in his room and hanging out like normal. All of a sudden, Pitts would stand up and go to his closet. He'd pull two sweatshirts out of closet, holding one for himself, throwing another to you. It was a bit chilly in his room so you happily put his sweatshirt on. As he went to slide his on, he'd ask, 'Hey are you going with anyone to the dance?' You'd look up from your chemistry book with a small laugh. 'If the question is do I have a date, no, I don't.'

-He'd clear his throat and sit back next to you, pulling your book off of your lap. Now he had your full attention. More attention than he had before. 'Well do you want to go with me? As a date?' He asked almost nervously. After you delayed your answer, from shock and honor, he went BRIGHT red. You giggled and took his hand in yours for comfort. 'Sure I do. Thanks, Pittsie.' He would then smile and pull you into a hug, thanking you

"Carpe Diem... that's seize the day." DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now