"Needy little thing" :CHARLIE DALTON REQUEST:

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Author's Note: ANOTHER REQUEST! AHHH I LOVE YOU ALL! This is a request for @KCT222  Thank you so much for sending in this request <3

It was after school. You were just roaming around the halls of Welton- or shall I say, Helton. And let me reiterate, you weren't roaming. You knew exactly where you were heading. You just looked like you were roaming and dawdling all over the halls as people passed you by. You were going to see the one, the only, Charlie Dalton. Your boyfriend. 

You knocked on his dimmed door and got a 'Yeah?' in response. You pushed it open and looked for him, expecting to see Cameron as well. Although Cameron wasn't there. Just Charlie, sitting there at his desk. You had to admit, he looked awfully fit. He had a flannel on, all the way unbuttoned. He had tighter jeans on, ones that hugged his thighs but just gently laid and surrounded his legs. His hair fell naturally on his forehead. He had a cigarette behind one of his ears and a pen behind the other. You couldn't help but blush as you stared at him.

"Nuwanda?" You asked him. He slowly turned in his chair, grinning as he did so. He was waiting for you to walk through his door and pester him. He enjoyed when you did. It would give him a chance to stop doing school work, well an excuse rather than a chance. His smile only grew when he saw what you were wearing. A Welton crewneck way too familiar to his and a pair of jean shorts too similar to the ones he helped you pick out last summer. 

"That's where my shirt went! You stole it." Charlie said, reaching over to you and grabbing your hand. He pulled you to his chair. You leaned against it and began to play with his messy hair. Charlie rested his head on your stomach and put his arms around your waist, sighing heavily with satisfaction.

"Well your clothes are more comfortable than mine. But anyway, I'm getting a bit stir crazy and I have to get out of this school. Want to sneak away with me? Dangerous for a beautiful person to go walking by their lonesome." You flirted with him. You felt him smirk against your stomach. His hands dropped from his waist and he walked to grab his shoes. You watched as he did so, already swooning. 

"Wouldn't want anything to happen to you, being the most beautiful person of all. Well- second most beautiful person. Because we know I am the most beautiful." Charlie said to you. You picked up a crumpled piece of paper on his desk and whipped it at him, laughing at his stupid joke. He swatted it away and laughed along, buttoning up his shirt as he followed you out of the back door of the school, where less faculty would see you. You were allowed to leave the school, you weren't prisoners. But you needed permission and a solid reason to leave. If your reason wasn't good enough and important, Mr. Nolan might not let you leave. So you and Charlie opted to sneak out instead. It was more fun that way anyway.

Charlie grabbed your hand and sprinted out of the school, letting the heavy metal door slam. You guys jogged through the spring air, cursing and laughing as you two tripped on small twigs and then cursed at those same twigs for making you trip. Once you guys reached the grand entrance of the school, you both stopped to take a breath. You bent over, out of breath, attempting to stand straight after your little rest. You two interlocked arms, Charlie pulling you close into his side and kissing your head, as you began to walk down the road into town. Soon enough, you both got your breath back and the only thing that was audible instead of your breathing was the birds singing and the wind whispering through the wispy trees. Charlie gently removed his arm from you and slid his hand down your arm, interlocking your fingers. He kissed the top of it and began to rub his hand on the top of yours. You smiled up at him as he smiled down at you. You got on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek, then looking back at the road ahead. 

"You're hotter when you're quiet." You told him, noticing that he hadn't said any stupid remarks for multiple minutes. He hadn't said anything at all actually. This was a record for your Charlie. 

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